
Help Wizard

Step 1


Removing items from Recently Played history

I would also like it if we had the option to remove our recently played history because sometimes I would listen to someone's playlist, an artist, or one of my own playlists by accident and I don't really listen to the playlist or artist anymore or I already have a song by that artist and it doesn't make sense to keep it in my library or recently played history.

Updated on 2021-06-14

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


So when will this idea will be done. It shouldn't be hard to bring back what you deleted from app ironically was a deleting feature. So where is it? What are you still thinking about? I should be able to delete things from an app that I particularly purchased. Hello? Are you guys out of your minds or what? As more people gets troubled with this situation you are gonna lose lots of customers or they will sue you about this and I don't think even the best lawyer is going to win you those cases. Hello? F my privacy and show all my friends stuff that I just want to forget about. Badly played.


This is ridiculous that this hasn't been implemented yet. I am considering leaving as well. And no replies from Spotify on it....


How hard could this be to implement? Its been years already!


Spotify, fix this issue already and implement the change to allow of deleting recently played songs/albums from our accounts! it's absolutely ridiculous that it has not been done, with people complaining about this issue for years now. 


Please reinstate this feature! I just don't even open the recently played list out of fear of seeing by accident at that disgusting cover of a song that I listened by accident 🤢!!!! And just knowing is there makes me sick


It's unbelievable that this extremely basic suggestion STILL hasn't been implemented. The coders at spotify are coming across more and more like a pack of monkeys improvising stuff at random.


It's unfortunate that you haven't been able to impliment this yet (or did and then retracted it). I am paying for a service that I am otherwise pretty happy with. However, now that I've come across this thread -  I am not going to support a company with my money, that are not willing to listen to what their customers are asking for. This is a really bad look... I am cancelling my subscription and deleting the app until this is fixed. I'll go to Youtube Music until your company can get this sorted. It's time to listen to the audience who are literally spoonfeeding you with how to make the experience for your listeners better. And when YOU listen to your audience, YOU make more money ... It should be that simple ✌️


I absolutely agree. It is insane that for a paid service like this, any song, artist, playlist, image that is shown in my que, playlist, history can't be removed from my view. If I don't want to see it or hear it, I should be able to select it and click remove and/or do not show this again... and have it not be shown again unless I want it to. All platforms.


A playlist that I created started automatically playing in my pocket on my Android phone (somehow related to Android Auto and / or my Bluetooth headset; by the way automatically starting music and have no control about it is extremely irritating) and started Autoplay-ing songs that I hate (normally Autoplay recommendation is good and I don't want to disable it on albums, but I did not find a way to disable it on playlists) and now I realized that there is no way to delete them from my history? Really??? This is a service that I pay for (sometimes I wonder why)...


Man, I would love to hear the reason for this being disabled. There must be some metric behind it, like "artists get clicked on more when they're on the home page". It's crazy that this hasn't been reinstated.