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Removing items from Recently Played history

I would also like it if we had the option to remove our recently played history because sometimes I would listen to someone's playlist, an artist, or one of my own playlists by accident and I don't really listen to the playlist or artist anymore or I already have a song by that artist and it doesn't make sense to keep it in my library or recently played history.

Updated on 2021-06-14

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Any update on this request? I use Android Auto when driving, but others want to listen to their songs. AA won't let me play their music and use my phone for GPS. Please let me remove my in-laws' music from my history and/or add a private listening mode to the Spotify Android Auto app. It's affecting my recommended music, and I use those playlists to find something new to listen to.


If we can't clear the recently played list, can we at least have an option within our user settings to select whether or not to display the recently played list on the Home Screen?  Also, please make the selection for 'private session' persistent so that I don't need to keep switching it on.  Thanks.


So this was a feature... you removed the feature and now you need to collect 'votes' for a 'new idea' of a feature that already existed? Sounds like you might need some new product managers. I'm curious, if there is no way to wipe this tracking information from Spotify, what other items do you track without user consent that might be a violation of GDPR in the EU zone? 


Hi ,


This is really embarrassing that we can't clear "recently play song list" or can't clear "the history" .If anyone want to change his music taste it's very challenging here . In auto play it pick up the song from your recent played or from history . There are some songs you just listen once and you don't want to listen them back again ever but in Spotify we don't have any such option . Even YouTube also provide feature "clear search history" and "clear watch history" . This is really bad to see that an idea is live here since so long and you are not able to solve the issue . Please see your last status update it's in mid 2021 and here 2022 is about to end and you are not able to solve the issue or update the status . 
Can you please provide latest update on this ? 


Being able to curate your own listening history should be a basic feature.  And there have been many similar feature suggestions all with totally valid reasons for needing this feature.  If Spotify hasn't included this feature, it's because they don't want to and probably never will.


I too played a podcast that I didn't like, and now have similar items that pop up at the very top of my home screen every time I open the app, even though it's been months since I played it.  It is totally unacceptable that (supposedly) support can't even delete your history for you.  At this point I'm either going to have to cancel my account and start a new one or change to Amazon Music.


Imagine someone that listens to a podcast to find guidance on their sexuality, their thoughts about suicide, their concerns about their mental health and all the while spotify does NOT allow that person to control what is displayed on the PAID subscription that regularly pay money for each month. Couple this with now we have the 2022 wrap up and if that is played to other people, they will see what content the user has accessed - which they may not want other to see. The issue was raised 3 year ago and nothing has been done. I was told by the "Spotify Cares" messenger person to just play other podcasts and it will overwrite the other ones. Well, it doe NOT. FFS Spotify, make this feature active.


It would be a great feature to right click on 3 dots to remove a recently played song as sometimes your kids get hold of Spotify and ruin the experience for you.


On both Desktop and Android.  I guess iOS will want it too.


First, If Spotify summed up all the likes for the same request as this, it should be enough to prioritize this. You took it away and you can put it back. But you don't want to so you don't.


Second, you should also have a dislike button as the replys from Spotify on this is just bla bla bla we will look into it but we don't really care. Then we can show that it isn't good enough for us.


I guess the reason why you haven't handled this is because it will mess with your prediction function or something like that. Fix it now. This is ridiculous.


Come on Spotify, just do it. This has been requested for years. This shouldn't be an issue at all. Why do you keep played history at all? If you care about privacy, there should be an option to delete played history all at once, plus an option to disable it completely.