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Step 1


Removing items from Recently Played history

I would also like it if we had the option to remove our recently played history because sometimes I would listen to someone's playlist, an artist, or one of my own playlists by accident and I don't really listen to the playlist or artist anymore or I already have a song by that artist and it doesn't make sense to keep it in my library or recently played history.

Updated on 2021-06-14

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Hi all,

I have reached out to Spotify Support and this was their response:


Hello there,
Hope you're doing well. This is Spotify support's Escalations Team and we're following up on your previous conversation about your listening history and recommendations. We'll clarify this for you further.
After reviewing your messages, I understand you're looking to exclude specific contents from your recently played section to improve your recommendations. I definitely see how having this option available to you comes in handy when you want to personalize what shows on your profile. 
Likewise, we, at Spotify, always aim to find ways for our users to be able to personalize their listening experience. There are times when a function or a feature that you're used to having may change for a period of time. It may undergo a lot of testing with the relevant teams to see what we can reinvent and improve on, so that once a feature is finally released it would help our users in the best way possible.
The Community is an important tool for us to gain insight on what our users feel about these changes, so I appreciate that you're visiting the site and reaching out to us to share your thoughts. While the exact feature you're looking for isn't available at this time, I recommend that you keep your app updated so you won't miss out on the upcoming features we have in store for you. 


So in essence we've been told off.

Happy listening, everyone!


This is infuriating!


The original request for bringing back this basic feature that you took away was posted in May 2019. It supposedly gained "enough votes" to matter in June 2021, yet Spotify still has done nothing. You have 30 pages complaining and begging you to bring back a basic feature you took away, and more than a year later you still have done nothing to fix this. As a paying customer I expect to at least be heard and not blown off or placated!

I use Spotify for music and keep getting NSFW podcast recommendations- one of which I accidentally played a while back and now it keeps popping up in my library. No matter what I do to try and remove it, I keep seeing the icon pop up every so often (since the algorithm thinks I'm in the middle of listening to an episode I guess) and its pissing me off to no end. Is there literally no way to remove this??? I've seen similar posts by users who have literally switched to other apps because of this- come on, Spotify. We pay money to use this app, the least it can do is let us edit our listening history. I don't want to block all explicit content since half of all music is tagged as explicit these days, but there should be a better solution!!

The fact that this hasn't been implemented yet, demonstrates several things:


1) Spotify doesn't care about privacy

2) Spotify's developers move at a snail pace and are likely overpaid and useless

3) Spotify doesn't listen to their community and only pretends to care.


I will be cancelling my subscription and moving over to another platform. This is absurd that this has been an ongoing feature request for literally YEARS and Spotify hasn't implemented it.


I suggest everyone cancel their account


Add this back and make it simple to bulk erase songs played by mistake or bc my account it's synced with Alexa.


How stupid is not be able to remove songs and playlists that someone played usando my Alexa connection without my consent when I was out of home. My recommendations, that is the joy of using Spotify is being ruined by this incredible nonsense policy.


It is very hard to understand why such easy thing is not available. Lost hours trying to find a solution to discover that it not exist.


Why????? Why? Why Spotify?  After 30 pages and years... Whyyyyyyyyyy????




To see that this idea is 3 years old now gives me a clear answer that they are not planning on doing anything about this. It is absolutely outrageous to not have this option. Everyone is entitled to having their information deleted from the internet, even if it is listening history.  Spotify are you even trying to improve? Why have a customer forum when you clearly do not care. Absolutely ridiculous. Time to move on to Apple Music.....


SAME! My account was hacked and someone used it all day before I noticed and was able to get it back. I can't remove their play history and it is throwing off all of the curated playlists and suggestions for new music backed on my real listening history. And, to be honest, seeing the music they listened to feels pretty crappy, a reminder that my account was hacked. May be small on the grand scheme of things but not a cool thing for me either way. PLEASE BRING BACK THE ABILITY TO CLEAR MUSIC FROM RECENTLY PLAYED! This is a service that I pay for, and to not have the ability to do something that was once BUILT INTO THE APP is beyond ridiculous. It's been 3 years and so many people have asked to have this back.

Please, allow the user to clear the history and any artist played. Gives us control about what appear in our home page. 


Hello and happy new year!


Three years ago my account got hacked (a bot repeatedly played a song which went first in listening in my country... what a coincidence...) I asked the very same thing and I ended up terminating my account and making a new one.


I see nothing changed, and I still need this function, as my friends kept playing stupid songs during the last days. Thing Spotify is strong doing is suggesting new music to listen, but now it will suggest shitty one.


Congratulations management team, not caring about this kind of features, evidently focusing on economic ones!