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[All Platforms] Option to have a true shuffle

So I’ve been noticing more and more recently that Spotify’s default shuffle feature doesn’t fully shuffle your songs. It does some sort of grouping to try to get similar songs together based off of what I’m sure is dozens of factors. Every time I shuffle a playlist (the one I noticed this with the most is ~100 songs and 6 hours of mostly full albums) it will group the songs mostly or completely together by album/artist, and given the number of times I’ve re-shuffled and checked the order there’s no way it’s just a coincidence. They also generally seem to be in the same order as well. If I hit shuffle play on a playlist it’ll generally put the same artists at the beginning every time.


With larger playlists of albums I am really not a fan of this shuffling method. If I have 6 hours of music on a playlist I will hardly ever have 6 hours to actually listen through the whole thing, but when I do listen to it I would like to hear all of the music on it equally, and not just the artist or two your algorithm likes to shuffle to first.


Anyways, I’m a reasonable man, all I’m asking for is an option to have a true shuffle (take all songs in the list, put them in a random order, and once they’re all played reshuffle them and play them again). Make it premium only if you want. I don’t think you should scrap the current shuffle algorithm because it sucks. Looking at some of the suggestions on here it seems like some people lobbied hard to have it that way. Just add an option for a true shuffle for those of us that don’t care about potentially getting the same song twice in a row.

Updated on 2024-05-01

Hello everyone, 


Thank you for your continued engagement and valuable feedback on this idea. 


I'm afraid there hasn't been any change on the status of this idea since our last update. However, we've been reading all your comments and feedback which have been incredibly insightful. 


We’ll keep you folks posted as soon as we have any new info to share.



I think you hit your head straight on the nail there!

This must be why spotify has the bug that starts to repeat five songs over and over again whenever (If you're a l listener with a taste that is too expensive for spotify, they'll punish you), by the time you notice they've lowered their royalty cost by so much it's worth it for them to keep this pesky glitch. It's all a conspiracy, and if spotify doesn't come forward and explain themselves soon, it'll be like they admit what they're doing is just that.


Hey Spotify, it's time to take action against your shady behavior before the house of cards comes falling down. Better start saving your reputation before it's too late and word spreads about how wrong this all seems.


Or your users will start their own crusade to prove how shady this whole thing really is. 



I like the Spotify interface, but the shuffle is a deal breaker. Any issues
with Tidal? Can you make a playlist and download the song for playing when
in an area with no internet?
You can download them and make playlists. I have upgraded to a 256gb SD
card to be able to hold all of my music because they take a lot more space
than they did on spotify since they are higher quality. You don't see user
made playlists though, that part I kind of miss.

I've just had a quick look at Tidal pricing and it's comparable, all reviews say quality is much better.

It does look from the help that you can make your own playlists.

I think I may get a free trial and see how it goes.

I'd say go for it. Before i swapped j saw some bad things about their
customer service but everytime I had any questions they answered me same
day via email and were able to answer all my questions

It's clear Spotify uses an algorithm for its shuffle. Certain songs are given preference over others. In a playlist of hundreds of songs, a certain number of songs always gets played when in shuffle mode while others don't ever hear. We need a TRUE shuffle that is completely random. Spotify's current shuffle definitely takes away from the listening experience want when press shuffle. It's really disappointing that shuffle isn't truly random.


Yeah, this have been a problem since I subscribed. We need it, true shuffle.


Yes please.


I have an 8560+ Liked Songs list and the shuffle is so bad that my wife keeps complaining that I play the same 50 songs over and over.


This has been a problem since I originally started using Spotify when I lived in Norway in 2011. How hard is it to give us a true random shuffle?


It's bad enough that you lied to us about Spotify HiFi last year.


It's a bit sad to see all these pleas for Spotify to finally DO SOMETHING about this.


Here's the bad news: YOUR heartfelt plea to pretty pretty PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP do something about this will no more convince Spotify to get the finger out than the other pleas that have gone before you in the preceding 45 pages of this thread alone.








The only thing that will possibly get them to take note is if paying customers leave the platform en masse. Anything else is a waste of your time.


I left for Amazon Music. Now Bezos is getting my money. Doesn't sit particularly well with me but at least I can shuffle my songs normally and in a way that I hear each one ONCE before I have to shuffle the play list into a new random order and start again. Others here have moved to Tidal. It's no big deal. There are tools available to you to migrate your play lists, and forget about Spotify. I'll say it one more time: they do not care about you. Not one little bit. And the way they have refused to deal with this issue is proof. Draw your conclusions and take your money somewhere, ANYWHERE, else.


It's ridiculous that this isn't automatic when there is a shuffle option in the first place. That's the whole point of shuffling. If it's about saving resources, have a "true shuffle" option and a "shuffle how Spotify wants" option.