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[All Platforms] Option to have a true shuffle

So I’ve been noticing more and more recently that Spotify’s default shuffle feature doesn’t fully shuffle your songs. It does some sort of grouping to try to get similar songs together based off of what I’m sure is dozens of factors. Every time I shuffle a playlist (the one I noticed this with the most is ~100 songs and 6 hours of mostly full albums) it will group the songs mostly or completely together by album/artist, and given the number of times I’ve re-shuffled and checked the order there’s no way it’s just a coincidence. They also generally seem to be in the same order as well. If I hit shuffle play on a playlist it’ll generally put the same artists at the beginning every time.


With larger playlists of albums I am really not a fan of this shuffling method. If I have 6 hours of music on a playlist I will hardly ever have 6 hours to actually listen through the whole thing, but when I do listen to it I would like to hear all of the music on it equally, and not just the artist or two your algorithm likes to shuffle to first.


Anyways, I’m a reasonable man, all I’m asking for is an option to have a true shuffle (take all songs in the list, put them in a random order, and once they’re all played reshuffle them and play them again). Make it premium only if you want. I don’t think you should scrap the current shuffle algorithm because it sucks. Looking at some of the suggestions on here it seems like some people lobbied hard to have it that way. Just add an option for a true shuffle for those of us that don’t care about potentially getting the same song twice in a row.

Updated on 2024-05-01

Hello everyone, 


Thank you for your continued engagement and valuable feedback on this idea. 


I'm afraid there hasn't been any change on the status of this idea since our last update. However, we've been reading all your comments and feedback which have been incredibly insightful. 


We’ll keep you folks posted as soon as we have any new info to share.




It's been something like two years since I left Spotify and moved to Amazon Music. I am not going to tell you to move to them, though. What they have to offer suits me and I'm happy with them but if you read through this thread you will see others who have moved to Apple Music or YouTube music and so on and that also seem to be happy with their move, so perhaps you could try one out for a while. I don't know what Amazon Music do nowadays, but when I first tried out their "free" offering they had a very limited selection. Back then you only got the full choice when you became a paying customer so I did that straightaway and haven't looked back...


You may find one or two artists who are on Spotify but not on Amazon Music, but the same is also true the other way around. But you should be able to find most of what you had on Spotify on Amazon Music and the other providers, too.


It's so long ago I don't remember who I used to migrate away from Spotify but you should be able to find many of these migration tools through Google. Many have a "free" tool to migrate small playlists and charge a small amount for migrating ones with more than, dunno, 1,000 or so titles in them.


I've moved to Amazon music. I used tune my music to migrate my liked artists and playlists.

There are a few things that I miss from Spotify (not liking an artist, moving what I'm playing from my PC to my phone), but I've been listening to a long play list on shuffle for days, and no repeats. I've listened to songs that I've not listened to for a long time. 

No regrets in moving. 


I believe Amazon music have a trial option



    ≫ Please tell me how to do one of your AmazonMusic lastingShuffles on Spotify without using a third-party software . . . .




For a 24 hour AmazonMusic lastingShuffle on Spotify, I just do four quick 1, 2, 3, 4 CutsAndPaste of the whole cuttable 80 tracks of my perfect Spotify shuffle to an empty playlist-- And then of course, at the end of the 1, 2, 3, 4 quick cuts and paste, I rename the collecting playlist so that the playlist name tells me how many actual hours of play time are in that particular lastingShuffle as shown at the top of the Spotify playlist listing.


Now of course-- for the benefit of the many Spotify developers looking over us here to get a clue for the next useful thing to do-- I state in no ambiguous terms-- Spotify should be reasonable and provide us heavy users with a 400 track visible playing queue like we could use and edit until December 2022, R.I.P.  :((


24hr LastingShuffle from CutsAndPaste from the queueStack of a running perfect Spotify shuffle-- Shuffle of a Spotify Folder containing over 120,000 tracks in many Folders and Sub-folders for a particular party where different Spotify folders feeding different TV displays provided different perfect shuffles of the music mix that guests could request and get-- depending on the room of the TV display and sound system 24hr LastingShuffle from CutsAndPaste from the queueStack of a running perfect Spotify shuffle-- Shuffle of a Spotify Folder containing over 120,000 tracks in many Folders and Sub-folders for a particular party where different Spotify folders feeding different TV displays provided different perfect shuffles of the music mix that guests could request and get-- depending on the room of the TV display and sound system


It really is very simple. In order to enjoy a function that Spotify should give you on the press of a single button, all you have to do is summon Beelzebub, sacrifice 20 doves to Jehovah, speak in tongues and spin 3 times in front of a mirror. Easy.


Thanks everyone on your thoughts. I have Amazon Prime and I tried Amazon Music some time ago and it didn't have the first band I searched for, Arkona, so I went for Spotify, which had all the bands I searched for. I'll try YouTube Music. This might be a good reason to go premium on YouTube. I think it offers Music too.


How long ago did you try Amazon Music? I don't know "Arkona" but I just did a little search and found a band by that name, and albums named things like "Kob'", "Khram", "Vozrozhdenie"....... Is that the "Arkona" you're talking about?

Actually there seem to be two of them.... Another "Arkona" has albums named "Age of Capricorn", "Lunaris"..... etc.


@rozeboosje, it's the first one. It's a Russian folk metal band. I think the reason why I tried Amazon Music first is that I have Prime, but now I remember that Prime doesn't come with Music (at least not in my country) and thought at the time that I needed to pay for being able to play this band. I'll try it out again. I've just checked they also have a web app, which is the primary way I listen to music...


BTW, I just love this forum



  1. Yeah you need to be a paying A.M. subscriber to get access to everything ... at least that was the case when I joined. There is a "free" subscription but only a limited selection with that ....


@rozeboosje, yeah it was definitely that what happened lol

