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[All Platforms] Organize Liked Songs by genre

I like the new update where you can save music into the "Liked Songs" group where it sorts music by song, album, and artist. There should also be another filter: Genre. I listen to all different genres but there are times when I want to listen to only one type of music.

Updated on 2018-10-26

Hi everyone!


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


We're marking this as a 'Good Idea'.


Please know your feedback is reaching the internal teams at Spotify, and they're aware of the votes around this idea. We'll continue to check out the comments here too.


If there are any updates, we'll let you know.


Status changed to: Good idea, vote for it


Spotify staff here. We're marking this as a 'Good idea' today and we'd love to continue getting your feedback around this and any other 'Your Music' ideas. Thanks everyone!


I would like this feature too.


This would be brilliant, especially if you could tag your albums. My music collection is literally (figuratively!) everything: a million Muse albums, Bach cello suites, the Frozen soundtrack, Beethoven quartets, J-rock, occasional rap, some indie rock bands, Shostakovich & Tchaikovsky symphonies, things I'm studying for A Level Music, things my string quartet is considering playing, things I'm going to suggest to the organiser of an orchestra course I go on regularly... I'd love to be able to sort it so that when I feel like listening to some classical music I don't have to scroll through the entire mess to pick out the right ones.

Also my parents are really anti-rock-music so it'd really help when I'm using it at home so I don't have to whizz through all the Muse to get to the Sibelius symphonies...


This needs to happen immediately, my brain can't cope with the constant scanning


I can't see how this wasn't released with the original release of the "Your Music" feature.


How hard is to add a filter, unless Spotify does not contain genre data for the music it can stream. If this is true I doubt we will have such "genre" filter feature any time soon.


Adding a genre filter is essential to a diverse music collection. I listen to a lot of differnt types of music and would like to be able to sort the music by genre. Itunes has spotify beat by this in a long shot.

Spotify: things to consider: 1) Selecting all songs from a specific genre should be as easy as picking an artist from the Artist list. So it should be an option to choose from, just like Artist, Album... 2) Genres should be predefined by Spotify so you can filter Your Music by genre right away, without any preparation. 3) But genres should also be editable (tagging?). So you can customize them to your liking. Multiple tags might be useful as well: dance + 90s; dance + 2000; dance + 2010... There should be a way to easily select all dance music, but also only the dance music from the nineties (two genres/tags) 4) When selecting numbers, the genre or tags should be visible in an extra column. So you can also sort the list, to quickly find and add all songs of a certain genre to a playlist. Similar to sorting on artist when in Songs view. This would make Spotify perfect for me!

Filtering my music by genre would be very appreciated! 🙂


I have looked into Spotify's API and they do store genres for each artist. I am going to create a website that will pull a spotify user's songs and group them by genre. Does anyone have any suggestions on other features? 




It would be cool to be able to start a genre songs list as a playlist directly into Spotify from your web site. This is kinda implemented in where you can press the play button of a song/playlist/artist played songs. Any way you can make playing the grouped by genre songs would be very cool to have in your project.