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[All Platforms][Other] Time to feature Dolby Atmos

I can do that very briefly. Don't let Tidal overtake you. Tidal now supports Dolby Atmos. I am a musician and work as a sound engineer. Atmos and similar formats are now gaining more and more interest. That is why Tidal now has a corresponding offer. I can only recommend Spotify to do so, otherwise you will lose users to the competition.

Updated on 2021-06-14

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Family member and wish there was not only higher quality stream but also atmos support. Might finally be time to switch to tidal after all these years. 


Spotify would be so much better with this feature, i hope they add it


Atmos and spatial audio are snakeoils, basically DSP tricks that cheap MP3 players did from 10 years ago.  


Saying this as a user that is trialing Apple music with a pair of Airpods Pro.


I just wanted to say,  that I took out Apple Music subscription, because I have Apple devices including headphones, and the spatial audio is just great. I am very disappointed in spotify for some time already. In stead of getting me lyrics- we in Europe don’t have lyrics, which is just unacceptable. Instead of getting spatial audio, we get Joe Rogan, which is just duh!  Also the Apple Music has very great artist created playlists, like what they themselves create, like what they listen at home, which is great. And the playlist in general are shorter, but better in quality. Maybe because most are actually human editor created not algorithmic, and it shows. Also the album selection is just much more neat than on Spotify, and your library page is also much more tidy. And apple remaster, where they remaster recording’s specially for acc format works wonders.


Not in a price tag please. I don't want to move to Apple Music. 🙄


Running a full surround Sonos setup with the Sub and Arc. Atmos music is really amazing when running through the native TV app on Android TV using Tidal. I'd love to have Atmos on Spotify, as I only use Tidal for the 360 and Atmos songs available compared to Spotify.


An Apple Music user played a song in Dolby Atmos format. I couldn’t believe the emotions I felt while listening. I’m gonna get my own AirPods Pro now and I’m gonna consider Apple Music if Spotify is not jumping on this train quick enough. Dolby atmos was addictively good. 

3 weeks later… I just got my AirPods Pro and I currently am using Apple Music on trial. I have 4 weeks before I have to make the decision. 

Spotify, any update on supporting dolby atmos format? 


This is literally the only reason that has me considering switching over to Apple Music.

I hope you can get Dolby Atmos support soon, or at least provide a timeframe.


I'm looking into Tidal and Prime HD as I have Dolby Atmos set up. Spotify leads in so may ways but ultimately its about the music. I have Steven Wilson on Bluray that is in Atmos and it is different gravy for sound. Please Spotify, do us a favour and let us stream this magic! I don't want to leave you.


Please update a status for the ATMOS support.