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[Android]: Bring back "Pin playlists to homescreen"

According to a discussion on it is "currently not available".


Albums are possible to be pinned to the homescreen, but the support to do the same with playlists is removed recently


Through this way I would like to request to add this functionality back to the android app

Updated on 2022-12-05

Hey! Looks like your idea is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


Please bring this feature back! It was so handy and I used it all the time


This feature was really helpful in quickly opening my favorite playlists instead of finding it in app, which take a few seconds. It feels icky knowing the feature was there, and now it's not, making the experience worse. 


It's unbelievable that this brilliant feature is gone. Hope it'll be back very soon!


Not just playlists but albums (us album people still exist). This was the most important feature to me. Not sure why it was removed. 


There is nothing Spotify love more than making their app worse for no apparent reason.


I have a free subscription to Apple Music thru my Verizon account, but I used Spotify for the sole reason that I could pin my playlists to my Android homescreen.


Now that this is gone, I have no reason to stay with Spotify. I'm gonna save a few bucks and cancel my subscription, for what it's worth. If they think deleting useful features makes good business sense, why stay?


Whoever made this decision deserves a pink slip. 


I see you changed the status to Good Suggestion when this is actually a feature that has been here for a very long time and was suddenly removed. On top of that my app keeps lagging. I see no reason to stay. You make the experience awful and you don't even pay the artist as well as other platforms. This is goodbye.


Wir haben die Funktion für unsere kleine Tochter genutzt. So konnte sie ihre Hörspiele alleine starten.

Ohne diese Funktion ist es nicht möglich, dass sie die Hörspiele oder Musik eigenständig hören kann!

Damit hat sich für uns das Familienabo erledigt...


Having to load up the app to load a playlist is simply against car safety. Having my playlists all laid out on the home screen I can simply flick and click at a traffic light when its safe. Takes 3 seconds. Having to open up the app and flick through menu after menu, all which take ages to load. Super super unsafe. Super inconvenient. Whoever rolled back that feature should be sacked.


The library set up on Spotify is such a pain to use. 
Please bring back that option. It makes the management of lists and albums a dream to use. 
Thank you!