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Bring back Playlist radio

Radio is only available for artists and albums but not for playlists.

Updated on 2023-07-15

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


They should also fix artist radio to be based off of music similar to the artist, not an echo chamber of my own music. If I wanted to listen to my favorites, I would have just clicked that.


@eni shouldn’t this status be changed from “good suggestion” to “live idea” now that it’s past the required number of votes? 


Playlist radio was one of the most useful features of Spotify, it provided the best way to discover new music through the combination of other people’s playlists and Spotify’s excellent recommendation festures. Smart shuffle is not a proper replacement 


Would love to know the real reason behind this (too much processing overhead?). A very important feature which had a lot to do with my decision to use Spotify in the first place.


Playlist radio was my #1 method of finding new artists. It allowed me to continue listening  to the genre/vibe of my playlist while giving me a break from having to hear the same old songs I’ve been listening to. 

“enhance “ does not allow me to do this, since it only sprinkles in new content every few songs, requiring me to listen to the same playlist. Additionally, it adds a degree of interaction that wasn’t previously there, since now I have to hit the minus on songs I don’t want in the playlist. For record, the plus/minus is a great feature for refining my music taste profile for future suggestions, but it’s not comparable to what having a playlist radio gave us. 

“Enhance” and playlist radios can coexist, and serve two totally different purposes. It’s a bit insulting to your users to tell us enhance is a functional replacement of playlist radios. Unfortunately our eyes work, and it’s clear to see that it’s not the case. Please bring playlist radios back. 


Well, yet another way to get your customers **bleep** off. Ok if it was at least what you claimed it to be, namely two new ways to hear new music either by optimize playlist or smart shuffle. The thing is that there isn't such a thing as smart shuffle because YOU REMOVED IT!

You're the fuking worst nightmare of a music streaming service!


Playlist radio is my favorite spotify feature and am very frustrated & disappointed that it has been removed from mobile.


I agree with many of the comments in here that it allows me to find new artists and songs that have a similar vibe as a playlist. Enhanced playlists and playlist radio can exist in parallel for different purposes, and if I want to find new music I don't want to hear 66.6% of my same playlist over again. THATS WHY IM LOOKING FOR NEW MUSIC.


Spotify wrapped told me I listened to 111,324 minutes of music last year, and I'd be willing to bet that most of it was through the playlist radio feature. 


You guys also tried to kill it before and people voted to bring it back. Maybe because it's a central feature of your platform??


Come on guys. Stop taking away reasons why customers are on your platform and making the experience worse for us.



It's the exact same way I find new music. I make playlists solely to use them as a base for playlist radio listening. Anywhere from 5 songs to a hundred. 

I was overjoyed when the optimize function was implemented, because it meant I now had two tools to find new music! I instantly adapted to this new feature by optimizing playlists and then adding any of the songs suggested by the optimize feature to then proceed to listening to the playlist radio of that same playlist with new optimize-songs added. That made finding new music really streamlined and powerful since using optimize or playlist radio on their own wasn't nearly as good.

I even cherished the "magic shuffle mode" as yet another tool to find new music. All of these three features had their own distinctive take on presenting new music.


Two days ago the weirdest thing happened, I resumed listening to a playlist I had begun listening to earlier that morning... The music began and suddenly it skipped to a new song, so I opened spotify to check out what just happened. Lo and behold! It had started a playlist radio based on the playlist I was previously listening to. I even took a screenshot of it since I couldn't believe it! For a couple seconds I was ecstatic to see that spotify finally listened to reason and brought it back! But as soon as I changed to another playlist it disappeared!!


Here's the screenshot:

I'm Swedish so the app is in Swedish but the top title says(Radio Based On Playlist)



I’m really confused. Spotify defended the mobile UI changes in the name of wanting people to explore more music. This was a perfect and solid tool to do so and now it’s gone. The new Home Screen is nauseating and not practical or intuitive. (It may seem off topic but I feel these are related. ) Bring back this simple, straight forward and lovely way to explore new music. Bring back playlist radio. 


I just canceled my premium membership because of this change. It's wild to see a company that so blatantly doesn't care or even listen to the community. They are aware that this was a very popular feature and they made the conscious decision to remove it anyway.


Then they inform us about the "enhanced shuffle" like that's a comparable solution. That is a totally different feature that serves a totally different purpose. This is not innovation. 


I don't think i will be back with spotify anytime soon. Im going to find an alternative solution and join a service that actively listens to their community and consistently strives to improve their platform.