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[Car Thing][Developer] SDK for Spotify Car Thing

Hi Team,


Car thing is very nice piece of hardware, specially the controls. I am sad to see it going away. I want to ask the team to release an SDK for it, so the homebrew developers can keep it alive for longer. Please consider it before killing the device support.



Updated on 2022-10-31

Hey! Looks like your idea is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


Car Thing is the reason I'm not subscribed to satellite radio... Please open source it as I prefer it and use it daily.


I use this every day in my 23 year old Tacoma. It is actually egregious that a company can do such a thing as this. How is it even legal? I bought this thing 1 year and 8 months ago. 

I speak for literally everyone… do not brick this device. Let it be open source and moddable or just allow it to keep running. 


Car Thing was and still is a good product Spotify made, not sure why it never took off but besides that the thing that really erks me is I still have to PAY A SUBSCRIPTION TO USE IT. You can only use Car Thing if you are a premium user, so now not only our down whatever you initially paid, but that 11$ you've been paying every month too. 


Why brick it anyways? Just end support, when it stops working it stops working. Or better yet at least let me use it as a display. 


I really have enjoyed Spotify but this seriously makes me question why I still use them if they treat their customers this way, do better Spotify.


I expected way more than two years of use.


This is corporate greed.


Even if you assume there are server costs for voice control, surely that is a tiny fraction of how much the users are paying in subscriptions. Spotify would not have made the product in the first place if this was not true.


If Spotify bricks my Car Thing, I will cancel my Spotify subscription. I like Spotify but I refuse to give money to a company that treats its loyal customers in this way.


I love using CarThing it is a major reason why I choose Spotify versus any other music streaming service as it adds value to my subscription. Discontinuing service would lower Spotifys service value in relation to other providers 


Please open this up for others to use. Not only did I pay too much for this, the fact that it will be bricked is absurd.



Even a throw it over the wall zip file with a basic legal statement that you have no liability or warranty on it would be appreciated 


Make it open source!!!!!!!!! I swear out of all of the horrible decisions that Spotify has made, I honestly didn't think it was possible to make it worse. The idea of selling a product for 90 DOLLARS and then entirely killing all of its functionality with zero compensation is the PURE DEFINITION OF NOT GIVING ANY THOUGHT ABOUT THE CONSUMER. Y'ALL SUCK!


Good way to mess with a chunk of your customer base running exclusively premium accounts. Well done Spotify.


For those on the verge of moving to another streaming service, don’t hesitate! Worst case scenario, you can always come back to Spotify. But it definitely would make a statement if they see premium subscribers cancelling their subscription.


Tidal, Deezer, etc. even integrate with a tool called “Tune My Music”, which migrates all your playlists and favorites. So the migration is super smooth.


Also, when cancelling your Spotify subscription you’re able to provide a reason. Make sure you mention that this is because of their unfortunate decision to treat their premium subscribers like trash.


Good luck with it. 


I don’t even own CarThing but want to show my support here. Spotify needs to release an open-source SDK for a homebrew community to continue to make use of this device. I’m on a Spotify Family plan and are considering to cancel my subscription in support of this issue if no steps are taken to save this hardware.