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Step 1


Change/ Disable voice personality of AI DJ

As the title says, it would be a great feature if we could change or disable the voice or personality of the AI DJ. 


Updated on 2023-06-12

Hey! It looks like your suggestion is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


You know what users really want? When they're getting into flow and enjoying their music, interrupt every 2-3 songs with a grating robotic voice saying the same lines over and over.


And when the AI chooses a song they don't like, and the user clicks the button to find something better, let's spend 30 seconds further annoying the user by explaining how we are now finding different music, instead of actually doing that.


Make sure that there is no way to disable this feature, and that it provides as little value as possible. Keep it in for at least 6 months before realizing how fantastically dumb it is, and adding the single checkbox it takes to turn it off.


I just tried the AI DJ this morning and my first thought was, "oh wow, this is really cool!" Started off with Lucy Dacus who I adore. So great start! But after the fifth song or so I realized that the AI DJ's voice was getting on my nerves. Why can't there be some choices as to the type of voice you the listener (and paying subscriber) can select? Maybe I don't feel like listening to a young male hipster droning over my speakers. Honestly, I prefer the softer tones of women's voices. 


So I switched back to my Discover Weekly set. Nice try, Spotify, you bet a B- for effort, but next time, do better.


I'd prefer a female voice and the option of different personalities if possible.


The aggravating voice of the DJ interrupting between songs makes the DJ feature useless. How many months before you try and put a fix into place, Spotify?


Just tried out the AI DJ this morning. Great music awful voice. We need to be able to change or disable it. I'm glad other ppl feel the same


Keep the feature, lose the voice. 


I use ambient/chillhop when coding, and having any sort of voice interrupt that process is one of the most aggravating choices Spotify has come up with.  The feature was a failure in the first five seconds after hearing that grating voice.  It was worse when it returned every few minutes.


Spotify should force its developers to listen to that voice on repeat while trying to code and see how that works out for them.



The worst part of the dj is the voice interrupting my music


also on windows, option to turn off dj voice the track selection is greatr but interupted by a cheesy dj please let us turn it off


I like the content, but the DJ talks way too much and makes the feature unusable for concentration.  I have disabled it.


I subscribed to spotify as I can't stand any talking. I only want to hear uninterrupted music. The DJ function is great as I get a better variety of songs than I do with the daily playlists. At present with the beta version of DJ, I do get uninterrupted music on my smart speakers, however I'm worried that once the production version is available, I won't be able to listen to DJ anymore due to the voice between songs. Please give us the option to turn the voice off.