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Change/ Disable voice personality of AI DJ

As the title says, it would be a great feature if we could change or disable the voice or personality of the AI DJ. 


Updated on 2023-06-12

Hey! It looks like your suggestion is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


I agree, I like the "automatically find new music" but the voice is ridiculous... 


Yes please! I love the songs it recommends for me, but I hate how the voice interrupts the flow of music. Please let us change the voice or at least turn it off, ideally both!


The dj sounds like John Mulaney doing an Ice T impression. Please make it stop or let me change it to something less annoying.


I love the music selection but hate the random AI voice interrupting the flow of music. Please just give us the option of disabling it.


The AI DJ voice sounds like a "gangsta" which is very off-putting. Also, its very distracting to hear somebody talk between songs. Reminds me of free services that have advertisements between tracks. I pay money to avoid that.


Spotify I love the idea of the DJ and it works well but as the others have suggested either turning it off or maybe being able to change the AI voice would be great. I don’t live in the US, not even in the same hemisphere so to know that a track was playing when around the time a vice president is being sworn in or when some musician I’ve never heard of won some American award I’m not familiar with, it really takes away from the experience. Also maybe a different accent? Not everyone who uses Spotify is American. Also I understand this is in Beta… 


Please allow me to change the AI voice to a sexy British female. Thanks!


I like the choice of music - a lot - but please let me turn off the DJ voice (who mispronounces many names anyway).  One of the reasons I use Spotify is tom avoid verbal drivel.


The worst part of the radio was the DJ talking to you as if you wanted to hear it. I like Spotify alot less when I cannot minimize what I am seeing in the app and remove a 'playlist' that is a DJ that I didn't create - accidentally tapping this is a problem. 

I just want to see playlists that I have created or saved only - and honestly I LIKE the DJ idea in terms of the songs it plays but turn the talking off - HOW did the idea that someone wouldn't want to hear this get missed? 

I would rather hear relevant commercials before the song if I am against a wall but just the music would be GREAT. If you made something I would rather hear commercials than what I am hearing you missed something. 


Not sure why it comes with a forced stock voice. I'd be more than willing to offer my own vocal talents as an option as a DJ, the lack of options here makes this feature currently unusable.