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[Desktop][Podcasts] Sort by Unplayed/Recently Updated

Currently, the only way to listen to unplayed podcasts on desktop is to open a phone and check the feed there, or check every podcast individually for new content. That's 100% unacceptable, and has been for years.


Give us a podcast view that we can sort / filter by unplayed episodes or recent uploads. If you want to be the industry leader in streaming, you can't ignore table-stakes functionality because of "100 kudos" horsesh*t.

Updated on 2021-06-14

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


I can't believe this was not sorted yet. One of the most annoying things when it comes to Spotify is being unable to see new episodes of podcasts I am subscribed to. It's extremely annoying.


Its been over a year now since this idea was passed in to the internal team, and we are yet to receive any updates. What is happening with this feature?


Everyone here, just move over to Google Podcasts. I gave up on this being fixed a loooong time ago. Spotify would rather blow their money on Rogan and pointless video than actually improve the nuts and bolts of their platform. 


Google Podcasts runs circles around Spotify and thankfully it helped put the final nail in this platform's coffin for me. 


I am used to use Google Podcasts and tried to switch to Spotify to be able to mix music and podcasts. However, since this functionality is missing I decided to go back to my old situation. 


I just cannot understand why this basic podcast functionality is not in (and has been a request for multiple years!).


Lacking this feature makes podcasts on Spotify desktop pointless.


Just adding to the chorus of people who cannot fathom why this feature does not exist...


There are 24 pages of comments as of this comment. This seems like a very basic feature that can be added at any time and included with the next update. This is not some new unknown code that needs to be thought up. Why have an idea and comment section at all if since 2019(!!!), such a simple feature, included in countless players, is completely ignored. So disappointing. Maybe we need to take all these comments to twitter instead. Seems to be the only way to get large companies to listen these days... 😞


I believe Spotify doesn't want to add this functionality as it will then make users focus only on their own podcast list instead of exploring other podcasts outside their own list.


But this feature is a basic functionality that is needed to use Spotify as a main podcast player app. Please do add this soon.


Would love to see the ability to sort all saved podcast episodes by release date


Any update on this?  It’s be a year…