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[Desktop / Web] Consistent options order for a single track and multiple tracks

After a recent update on desktop the order of options has been changed when you right-click on a track or multiple selected tracks in a playlist. Overall, this change is a very welcome one as now the less frequently used options are closer to the bottom and the most frequently used at the top.

However, there is a small, yet very annoying inconsistency in this new order of options:

The options list when you right-click a single track in a playlist is as follows:

1 - Add to playlist

2 - Remove from this playlist

3 - Save to your liked songs / Remove from your liked songs

4 - Add to queue

But when you right-click multiple selected tracks the order is basically inverted, all 4 options take a different spot on the list:

1 - Add to queue

2 - Save to your liked songs / Remove from your liked songs

3 - Remove from this playlist

4 - Add to playlist


Since you quickly get used to a single order you usually click something without reading it, but this little inconsistency leads to you doing something that was not intended. For example, because of this I disliked 500 songs I had liked instead of removing them from a playlist and had to then like them again, which messed up my "Recently Added" order of liked songs.

It would be great if this inconsistency is fixed and the order of options is the same for both a single track and multiple tracks, which makes perfect sense, since the options are the same for both, yet they come in a different order at the moment. 


Thank you!

Screenshot 2023-09-26 142856.png
Screenshot 2023-09-26 142958.png
Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2023-09-27

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