
Help Wizard

Step 1


Fix the algorithm choosing too many short songs

It would be pretty nice if The Algorithm would reflect listening history and taste profile  in terms of song length!


It would be pretty cool if mainly listening to tracks between 4 to 10 minutes doesn't result in Discover Weeklies, Release Radars and Daily Mixes 80% tracks shorter than 4 minutes and 30% even below the 2 minute mark!


Personally it would be really sweet to see Discover Weeklies and Release Radars again with and average length of 3+ hours in stead of 2- hours.

Updated on 2023-10-27

We're thrilled to see that your suggestion is rapidly gaining popularity and we're updating its status to Good Suggestion.

We hope that it will continue to gain support from more users. Thank you for your valuable contribution - we truly appreciate it!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


It has seriously **bleep** up my Spotify radios and autoplay was how I discovered a lot of music. I hope this is solved . How can such a big problems creeps in unnoticed and remain unsolved is surprising 


I want to support all the other comments. The song radio, once one of my favourite tools to find new music, is almost fully spammed with those short 1-2 minutes songs. I'd love to have a function as suggested in the post.


Adding onto the pile here. This change has been incredibly frustrating. I used to really enjoy the songs that would play automatically after finishing an album or playlist. It was a great way to discover new music in a similar vein. But now 75% of these songs are somewhere between 1 and 2 minutes, which in no way reflects my listening habits. Please for the love of god revert this change.


This still continues and now with a price increase next month!!!!


I have a feeling this issue will never be fixed especially with the advent of short AI generated songs now flooding Spotify.


This is no kind of way to offer a music service. Instead of wanting to check out more of the artists music, i only want to avoid them for having part in this. SUCH a complete vibe kill of listening to music in the first place.

Considering leaving Spotify as cannot get this to stop. 


I switched service when I started noticing this problem, it’s been months now (maybe even years?). I keep checking in to see if it’s fixed because I would still prefer to use Spotify.

If you’re into music genres where long songs are prevalent - in my case I listen to a lot of 70s prog rock, and various extreme metal genres - this problem is beyond aggravating. Using Spotify now for me is mostly about listening to intros and interludes…

Why can we not get an official update or statement about this?!


Here we are in mid 2024 and this is still a problem... My current "weekly" is maybe three legit tracks and 27 short-form probably-generated filler; the stuff is barely tangential to what I spend all my hours listening to, is all sub-two-minute fragmented things (and so many with bird sounds, wth). As a feature for "discovery" Spotify Weekly has become a useless $hitheap.


Let's discuss alternatives to Spotify, because this "Good Suggestion" is disregarded because it doesn't generate them moneys. And everybody knows; money is the most important thing there is! Luckily the market is dominated by Spotify, not giving alternatives a chance. \r

****, this is sad, Spotify.
