Help Wizard

Step 1


Go Back In Queue

After queueing up a selection of songs, it's doesn't make any sense that when you press the back button to replay the last song it jumps back to whatever you were playing before the queue AND removes the song you went back from from the queue. "Back" should take you back to the last song you actually played! Playing a song from the queue shouldn't completely remove it from now playing, Apple Music doesn't do this. There's zero benefit to the way it functions right now, it only ruins the moment when you're in the zone listening to music and it doesn't behave the way it should

Updated on 2023-11-03

We're thrilled to see that your suggestion is rapidly gaining popularity and we're updating its status to Good Suggestion.

We hope that it will continue to gain support from more users. Thank you for your valuable contribution - we truly appreciate it!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2023-10-16

Hello and thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!


We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.




PLEASE - this has been bothering me for as long as I've had Spotify. I accidentally press the "go back" button or something and then have to remake the entire queue.


Hey, at least on Desktop, there is an option to see what was played earlier in queue. If you hit the queue button in the bottom right, then in the top left there's a button that says "recently played." It's not exactly the same but you can at least see it. (see image below)



Status changed to: Good Suggestion

Updated on 2023-11-03

We're thrilled to see that your suggestion is rapidly gaining popularity and we're updating its status to Good Suggestion.

We hope that it will continue to gain support from more users. Thank you for your valuable contribution - we truly appreciate it!

For more details about how the Ideas Exchange works, please refer to here.


This was a reason why I switched to Apple Music. It doesn't have this problem. If Spotify fixed it, I would switch back.