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[Mobile] View & Shuffle all Tracks in Playlist Folders

The latest spotify for android update, as well as the newest iOS update, removed the "shuffle all" option for multiple playlists within a folder. I used this feature every day and it's my favorite spotify feature. Please bring it back!

Updated on 2019-09-17

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Community, and adding your vote to this idea!


We're setting this idea to 'Not Right Now', as this isn't something we have any immediate plans to implement. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.


If we do have any new info to share, rest assured we'll check back in here with a new status.




When business behaves badly.  This is unfortunate.  Spotify chose to remove an important feature without warning, nor explanation.  It comes across as having contempt for your own customer base.  Your suggestion for a workaround (create new playlist with all songs included) requires us to constantly update this *unnecessary* list should we add new music to our Library.  

The UI should always be customer focused.  Don't take features away.  And no notice to users?  Really?  Did you think we wouldn't notice?  Or is your team hiding under desks, avoiding the wrath of the forums?  Didn't anyone at the Spotify development meeting raise a hand and say that removing Play All was a bad idea?  I am sure someone did.  That's the person who should be in charge of your UI team.



Just a hunch, but maybe the Shuffle All algorithm caused certain songs to be played much more often, resulting in payment disparities.  Artists may have figured this out and took issue with Spotify.  I've noticed that some of my folders rarely if ever got played in Shuffle All.   Have you noticed that the Shuffle All wasn't very random?


Please bring back this feature! I have folders by genre and then folders separated by letter and finally within those folders are my playlists by artist and without this feature it basically ruins my experience. I pay for premium so I can listen to whatever music whenever I want. I shouldn’t have to create a separate playlist filled with all my music just because you removed a button. It may be time to try a different service. I have done some software development in IOS and Android and it isn’t hard to add a button connected to a class. Please fix this soon!


As long as they ignore us: Downgrade to previous version for ios


I promised that I would update back.  I have only tried a couple of services so far and neither has folder functionality like Spotify.  I used STAMP (a desktop program) to transfer my playlists over to other services.  So far, I'm happiest with Amazon Music.  It at least has play all functionality but not the tiering like Spotify used to have.  It does take some time to trial each properly so I'll report back again.  If someone else finds similar functionality anywhere else please post as well so we can all jump ship at once.


Please bring back shuffle all songs in folders within a playlist ! Why did you took this decision ? We were so many to use that feature and we miss it so much 😞 It's so sad and ununderstandable 😞


Please, bring back this option. It is very difficult to pass 50 playlists, with more than 160 songs each, to a single list for I can hear them in random order. It's stupid. Although I love Spotify, if I have to do that, I prefer to recreate them in another application, like Apple music.


Please bring back shuffling folders. It was my favorite feature on Spotify! 


Removing this feature is a terrible idea. Putting all the songs in a group of playlists into one giant playlist just so I can shuffle through all of them is ridiculous, considering there was a SIMPLE FEATURE THAT HANDLED THIS PERFECTLY.


Please bring the shuffle all songs in a folder back.


This was one of the best features on the mobile app, use it every day while driving to/from work, this change is a serious step back and is really making me consider cancelling my premium subscription.