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[Playlists] More Playlist Sorting Options/Columns

Sort options within Spotify are severely lacking.


First, what's lacking outright:

sort by year, total plays, personal playcount, current popularity, genre, tempo, etc.


On top of that, sorting should be stackable, e.g. sort by album by year, or sort artist by total plays, etc.


This could apply to within the artists' pages as well, allowing us to sort through all their songs to better find music that suits our tastes.

Updated on 2020-01-23

Hi folks. Thanks for all your votes and comments. We like this idea, but at the moment we're not planning to do this.

If something should change we'll be sure to come back and provide an update.


spotify needs someone with good management skills and an understanding of the customer's needs.


they already have a passionate community of users offering ideas, they just cant execute.


This has been a feature request for over 3 years, written by someone whose name is appropriately "Captain Obvious" because this is such an obvious and expected feature, yet spotify has such poor management they cant get anything worthwhile done. 



I feel like spotify's disappointed dad. So much potential, yet spotify just sits on the couch all day and does nothing with its life.


Hey so if anyone is interested in publicly shaming Spotify for not using each of our $10/mo to make a simple column feature a life-changing reality, feel free to retweet all of these tweets I've been sending to @SpotifyCares ...I've been taking screenshots of your good ideas, screenshotting the kudo amount, and sending them a link... each tweet is a reply to the original tweet that can be found here.


feel free to reply to the thread with your own additional resentments.


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This is why I wish we had a "listen count" column that we could sort by... I could then see my top songs of all time.


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What irony. Here we're waiting years for this function to be integrated (Kudos be overlooked) and then the "yearinmusic" function displays that these already exist in part, probably only not approved for all (for example Play counts and Genre).

Even if different columns weren't available I'd settle for a sorting button ...sort by date added/ bpm/ year released/ play count etc

It's ridiculous that we have to suggest this. Spotify should know better than this. This should have been a standard feature from the begining. Here we are almost 8 years later and we still can't easily filter music by genre. Every day I am more tempted to make the switch to Apple Music. The only thing that is keeping me is my collection of saved playlists. As soon as I find an easy way to transfer them to apple, I'm out of here, unless they can get their act together and fix this. They spend all this time implementing these stupic small feautres that only a few people really care about, but neglect the things that everyone is asking for. 


How is this not a feature? This comment thread started years ago and it should have been included with the very first build. I really think Spotify doesn't give a darn about its users past the $10/mo they get from them.


I miss the possibility to add columns where I can see how often I played a song, when was the last time I played it, how often I skipped it, in which year it came out and to see the genre.



I love Spotify, I really do and tell people to use it, tell them how awesome it is. But as a music lover, I want to know the genre of the tracks I listen to. I believe real music lovers would want to know what they are listening to. We make playlists based on these kind of information. Please consider this.

Also I would love to see small bios of the artists. I know there are bios for famous ones but I wonder who makes the music I listen to, where it is originated and stuff like that. There are lack of info on the web about some artists that people listen to if they are not known enough so Spotify can make a big difference if we can reach these kind of things. 

Thank you for this awesome application anyway, hope this idea can get enough attention from the community for you guys to make it real with an update 🙂


