
Help Wizard

Step 1


Remove the new “Resuming (insert playlist/ song here)“ feature

The feature is not only annoying it’s broken and if you search on Reddit about the new feature you will see it’s very unpopular and I’m not the only one with this complaint. 
When you resume playing from Spotify in a car, it has a 3-second A.I. voice saying “Resuming (insert song or playlist.”


Its annoying that you cant just go back to listening to your music, BUT also it turns off shuffle and repeat. So if you were shuffling a playlist or album you have to go back to the app and turn it on again.

If spotify is going to keep this feature it would be great to have a setting to turn it off or on because a lot of people agree its really annoying.


Terrible feature


So annoying 


Not only is this an awful feature on its own, but every time it happens it TURNS OFF SHUFFLE. So each time I get in my car, I have to wait for Spotify to connect and then pick up my phone and turn shuffle back on.

How on earth was this not picked up during testing??


I don't know how this was thought of. This is simply one of the dumbest and most completely unnecessary "features" I've ever experienced in an app/product. I don't need to be reminded what I was listening to - I picked it! If this is what the price hike is funding I'm not impressed. 


Out of all the annoying and stupid changes to this app that I've seen over the past 9 years, the A.I generated voice before I play my music has taken the cake. Remove the feature, throw it away and burn it.


pls remove this feature. not needed and annoying 😒 


People, this "feature" has been removed in the latest update. Make sure your Spotify is up-to-date and all will be good again. 


EDIT: And now it has been added back in again. PLEASE FIX THIS!


wth, Spotify.  Whose brilliant idea was this? Not only should this be removed immediately, the person or persons responsible for putting this in should be fired. 


this dog ish has GOT to go. idk why spotify thinks i want to hear anything other than music on my music listening app. this is the worst feature on any app i've seen so far. to introduce it with no option to disable it is mind-numbing. i genuinely cannot believe someone is getting paid to do this stuff.

just because AI is the cool hot thing, doesn't mean it has to be added to everything. it's so unnecessary.

and while we're at it, give us the option to turn off auto play. and i mean when i open spotify and it starts playing some random playlist automatically. spotify does not know what i want to listen to, it's so effing frustrating having to pause music i didn't even start.


Removes all songs from the queue that I had every time the voice comes on. I could be in the middle of the run and switch apps to reply to a text and when I go back to Spotify all the songs I queued are gone. I despise that voice