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True artist blocking

If I block an artist, I don't want to see or hear them at all. I still get tracks that they feature on in my mixes (as opposed to being the main artist) and sometimes I get concert suggestions for them too. Please block the artist entirely from my account when I block someone. Funny enough an artist that I've blocked has a track where they're the main artist in one of my mixes right now, and they've been blocked for a long time. Thanks!


I think the same, there are times when I put on a playlist and a certain artist comes out as recommended that I DO NOT LIKE at all and it is repetitive and annoying in the long run.
A button that is "I'm not interested" in an artist or the song to decrease the frequency with which it comes out randomly.


please please please please please!!!


This! This one artist keeps just popping in my "New music"-playlist, even I have probably pressed the minus-button on him like 52 weeks in a row. I don't listen him, or have him at any playlists and still he/she keeps popping up in automatic lists. And it sucks. I even contacted spotify support and it did not help. Please allow users to define artists which should not be included their automatic playlists.


if i block an artist i never wanna see or hear from them again. unfortunately when u select dont play this on their profile spotify only blocks their songs as a lead artist so i still have to hear my least favorite artists if they appear on a song by an artist i havent blocked which is super stressful if the lead artist is a producer!


EXAMPLE: lets say i scroll thru a preview playlist on my homescreen or under explore your genres...spotify isnt great at recognizing my new taste compared to my old 1 so i constantly get shown clips by artists i dont like. if an artist i hate appears on a song i still have to hear their voice which terrorizes my ears!


i dont wanna see their album covers either but spotify dont hide blocked artists on playlist covers that show the top 4 songs so when i search for a playlist im at risk of seeing that cover i never wanna see again...


so my advice to spotify is dont show songs in any kinda playlist if they feature a blocked artist (or even credit them as a songwriter...if thats possible 😐) some albums feature songs by somebody else too so dont show them either if they appear on an album by a blocked artist. also dont show blocked artists album covers on playlist covers if they appear in the top 4


hope i was clear enough!


(this might look like multiple ideas but they all mean the same thing so its all 1 idea, dont close it!)

  • Currently we can only block an artist to the extent we're spotify will not play any song they are the main artist in.
  • Spotify will still play this blocked artist via songs they are featured in. Since the artist is not the main artist, spotify does not recognize the song contains an artist you blocked, and will still play the song. 
  • When an artist is blocked it should block them from any song they credited in by searching through the credits of the song, this way if the artist is listed as a feature, it won't play the song. 

Looks like my idea was merged. Good. If there is a way spotify can block an artist by searching through the credits that would be great. Even if they wrote the song and didn't sing in it I still want it blocked.