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[Web Player] Bring back the old Web Player

The minimalism of the web player makes it near unusable (self.spotify)

submitted 2 minutes ago by MovkeyB

Here is a list of basic stuff that got removed:

  • See the radio
  • See the queue
  • See the song length
  • see how far in the song you are

Here is stuff that got destroyed in terms of functionality.

  • adding a song to a playlist is now a lot more difficult and requires moving a lot more bc it opens up a HUGE window instead of the little menu

  • The volume slider is not live, its drag and drop so you can't hear the effect of the volume change in real time

Everything is HUGE and they just seem to love all the dead space and tell me pretty much nothing about whats going on.

It's atrocious. I've used it for about 10 minutes and I already despise it with a burning passion. These things I mentioned are just the ones that are just immediately obvious because I USE THEM FREQUENTLY

Updated on 2019-06-25

Hey folks, 


We're just going through a few older ideas that we haven't updated. 


Most of the functionality listed in the original post exists on the Web Player. The queue can be found in the bottom right corner near the Volume bar and you can find Radio by clicking the three dots next to any song, album or playlist. 


If you have any new ideas you'd like to see on the webplayer, feel to submit them here.




Completely agree with all of the feedback here. The fact that they won't even offer an option to revert back to the old web player for premium users is ridiculous. Started a trial of Amazon Music Unlimited today and will cancel my Spotify subscription at the end of the month.


They have it! (At least on the Mac version) Seems like on Mac they prefer you to use, and visiting the settings page there shows where you can choose whether or not visiting shows up with a link to the desktop app or not.


Screen Shot 2017-04-26 at 10.27.21 AM.png


FOLLOW UP: If you leave "Play URLs in desktop app" checked on Mac, it will redirect to Seems like you can literally switch between and simply by switching your user agent from a Windows browser to a Mac browser.


I agree -I don't like the new web player.

I also don't like the way online services such as the Spotify Web Player are just updated without any notification or warning to the users. One day you log in and ... everything's changes, you can't find any of the features you're used to and you can't get back to the previous version you loved to use.

What ever happened to "If it aint broke, don't fix it"?

Not happy 😞


i agree 100% .... the new web browser interface i find quite annoying. i work in an open-office plan and i don't need everyone to know what artists im searching with the 108 pt font search bar at the top of the screen. everything is huge, as if we're all suffering from deteriorating eye site. thumbnails annoy me enough as is.... i dont need huge ones that actually make it harder to understand what i'm looking at or to find the playlist i'm looking for. they say good design is that which goes unnoticed. i feel dramatic saying this, but this new interface drives me absolutely crazy. and honestly i dont want to use the desktop app because i can't block adds. 


Yeah new player is no good.  If it came out like this in the beginning I would have never used it.  I would elaborate but I'm sure it has all been covered multiple times in the 19 pages of comments.


One thing I would like to have is the ability to play a bands entire discography in chronological order without having to set this up manually.


Check out my post above, all you need to do is change the browser's user agent to Safari on MacOS.


The spotify web player is a massive dumpster fire now. No matter what computer I use it with, it pretty much refuses to even play music, no matter what song I click on or what playlist I use. And when I say refuses to play music, I mean exactly that. It just sits there looking like one of the dumbest decisions I ever made, and ignores every obscenity I throw at it. Amazon Music here I come.


It makes you wonder what on earth they are thinking. There has to be someone high up pushing this through without really looking at the practicalities. This is corporate suicide. The old "Play" player is Spotify for me. If that goes it's like completely throwing away their customer loyalty. The old player is what I feel that I am paying for as Premium subscriber. For now I'm using the hack of setting the UA to IE10 to get the old player, but I guess that's not going to last forever.


Update (now I'm mad), here's a list of things that the damned thing does (that shouldn't!):


1. Stops randomly and starts the song again. 

2. Stops randomly and doesn't allow you to do anything else (just goes full retard and stops whatever it's doing). You can't click on an artist name, on your "Your Music", all you could do is refresh the page and hope you don't have to refresh it again when it loads up. 

3. If it got any slower, it would be going back in time! It takes it a few seconds to register you've clicked somewhere and then another few seconds to play the song you've clicked.

4. When you enable the Shuffle and the Repeat options, the web player just decides not to do either! I mean I don't mind having a rebellious software/website every now and again, but yours is getting a bit annoying and quite frankly frustrating to work with. 


I hope that this is just a temporary stitch and that you're actually updating your servers where the is located (I'm naive like that, yes) and that you're improving the other player (given the web player is down when one accesses it directly using a trailing dot (Google it if you don't know what I'm talking about) and you've set the URL to redirect to the when there's a regular request). 


I also hope tha this fecal matter of a web player gets depricated as soon as possible, so every one here in this thread would start actually enjoying music again dammit! 


new layout looks bad, lacks huge amounts of functionality, is much less accessible, and harder to use.  Pls fix kthx.