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[Your Library] Keep lyrics up at all times

I like having the lyrics accessible, and having to swipe up and click lyrics is a pain. Instead of the album cover, it would be awesome to have the option to have the lyrics there instead!

Updated on 2023-05-01

Hey! It looks like your suggestion is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


bro please make it so it always shows 🙏🙏


Just commenting to keep this idea alive! 


I like to play songs while I'm showering and leave my phone standing outside with the lyrics on screen to sing along, but when the song changes the lyrics are not displayed anymore and I can't use the phone to make them show up... 


I really hope this gets implemented.

We have a little baby, and we use Spotify to play songs in all three languages present in our household.

Spotify is a very important role in his development.

We would ideally like to interact with him without distraction. Using hands distracts his attention, and not knowing the lyrics pushes us out of inclusion.


As a new parent, I would like an inclusive interaction with my child and music without having to continuously distract from the experience with my hands, so that he can focus on his relationship with me, music and words.”




Please add a new setting to changes one’s default view - album art, video or lyrics. 

Come on Spotify , people have been asking this for a while. Your vote thing should have some leeway, not everyone would look up and find this to cast their vote. So people requesting this continually over years should serve as proxy that this going to be useful to many.  

Pretty pretty please 🙏🏼


Please. 😕


Please implement this, it’s bothered me for years!




This really needs to be a thing.  


What is the amount of upvotes needed for this to be implemented?