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Spotify stopped playing with Roku 3


Spotify stopped playing with Roku 3

Roku 3 will let you select a playlist but it will not load the tracks (Loading...). I have tried it with with 2 different Roku 3 boxes, 2 smart TVs (Panasonic and Spectre), did all levels of reboots, log out/in, without success. It worked on both quite recently. I am guessing this is a problem that needs to be addressed by the Spotify support team.

49 Replies

Serenablitz, I just recognized this issue as well.  Perhaps this was their solution by removing the playlists altogether?

Really!!! Two years later and Spotify has not resolved this problem. It's worse and unusable. My playlist are not even showing now. When I scroll my cursor it skips two or three places with one tap of the button. It's garbage and I expect more from the worlds premier streaming service. Time to UPGRADE to Pandora or YouTube.

I looked on Spotfy's page just now and Roku is not listed anywhere that I can see. Amazon Fire Stcik and Chromecast are listed, but no Roku. I think it may be dead on this platform.

Thanks I think you are probably right due to multiple problems with app but it was working until 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your suggestions of alternatives I have cancelled spotify premium and will look at other options


They removed the frickin playlists feature bc it was too complicated for them basically. 

I have recently gotten Roku and I've been trying to get Spotify to work but every time I try to search up a artist or song its been saying theres a error, has this happen to anyone else? I tried to re-open it or log out and log back in but in never works. Bummmmmer I don't wanna get help to come to my house again. What should I do????Oh please someone help!!!

Sorry. Wish I could help. Spotify never got it to work. I'm cancelling

How can u pair spotifly with roku?

And here it is 2 years later and the problem still exist on the Roku. Except it is worse now. My playlist are gone, etc.......Not quite what I expect from the worlds most premium music streaming service. Maybe it's time to see who took that title from you.

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