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Complete Sonos Integration...... please?


Complete Sonos Integration...... please?

Sonos was the main reason I signed up for a premium plan and I love the service.

But it's killing me that I can't use all of the Spotify features through Sonos.  Who is holding this up?  Sonos or Spotify?


I really want Radio, app support, a better layout or the site, etc....


Any chance any of these will occur?

219 Replies

I'm surpised anyone's stuck with the spotify for this long as google play is a far, far better service- especially for sonos users.  My fiddling time with spotify has been replaced with music enjoyment time with google.  However it wasn't just the sonos issue with spotify- there were multiple hassles including the facebook login fiasco and the spotify android apps inability to show id tag info when blurtoothing.  Just a complete and total train wreck of a service.

Just wanted to agree with BadCommand. Now enjoying my music with Google. Works better with Sonos and works better bluetooth streaming in the car.

I agree. I we have multiple Spotify premium accounts in our family (because they refuse to have a family feature) and now I can't access all my Spotfy features on my Sonos app

Since it is clear that Spotify do not read or respond to this thread can we use it to assess alternative services? A number of users in this thread recommend stop paying money to Spotify and switch to Google - any views?

I've been with Spotify for a long time but I've just tried Google Play. It is way better on Sonos and the iPhone app is better too. So long Spotify ... It was good while it lasted.

Thanks for the tip.  I have downloaded Google Play for Music and am trying to the 30 day free trial.  So far really impressed - it solves my two big issues with Spotify.  A real iPad app that actually has the same functionality as the iPhone app like My Library (what a novel idea - wow!) and full integration with Sonos.  

I appreciate that Google have a few more developers than Spotify but come on

If Spotify have 10 million paying customers that is income €100m per month - what are they spending the money on?  Invest in a few developers.

Anyway - to the community - goodbye it was great.  Thank you to Spotify for introducing me to streaming music but it times to move into the modern world.  As soon as my 30 day free trial on Google Play is up I will disable my Spotify account


Thanks to others for recent posts recommending Google as a better source to integrate streaming radio with Sonos.  I had been reluctant to switch from Spotify, for fear that some of my favorite classical, movie and jazz albums might not be available on Google.  After waiting more than 2 years for Spotify to act on "Complete Sonos Integration .....  please?" I decided to try Google's 30-day free trial.  I'm hooked.  Found nearly all the music I had listened to on Rhapsody and Spotify as well as a lot of recordings that had been discontinued on those services.  As others have pointed out, the Google radio channels integrate seamlessly with Sonos and I can control them from my iPhone Sonos App with ease.  The Google's Play Music App works great with my phone in the car as well.  So, add me to the list of those who are dropping our Spotify premium subscriptions for lack of a response on this issue.  I'll be gone at the end of this billing month.

The problem is that there's so much other stuff in Google Play Music that is completely useless. To name a few, there's no desktop app, no playlist folders, no mood playlists (atleast not yet in my region). I would prefer to keep this thread about how Spotify should be integrated with Sonos, rather than derailing it into a Spotify/Google Play Music debate.

I think what is becoming increasingly frustrating is that Spotify don't give us a definitive answer.  Is this something that they're looking to launch for Sonos customers or are they simply too busy concentrating on their own offerings 'Spotify Connect' to care about what the Sonos Consumer actually wants when using the speakers.


There are after all a large number of wireless hifi systems now coming into the market which allow you to get everything from Spotify using the 'Connect' feature and Sonos was one which outlined it would not implement it (for their own reasons).  In the grand scheme of things Sonos customers are small fish in an ever growing pond and we'll be drowned out.  


Perhaps taking action such as cancelling our subscriptions and moving to Google is the answer until Spotify actually give us an answer either way or implement the changes that so many of us have been asking.


I for one am fed up of using Customer forums, suggesting ideas which I would like to get implemented, only to be drowned out by the 101 other ideas that get submitted on here.  This suggestion has probably been asked for several times and gets lost.  The Kudos way of things is their way of getting us to spend an obscene amount of time to help them improve their product.  Why not set up focus groups, send some surveys and ask the consumer what they want in a much better method than a forum.  Spotify very rarely reply to you on here, when you send them an email about a suggestion you get generic 'Thank you' response.  Their twitter account is also the same.  Nobody will give you a straight answer.



I agree it is totally frustrating that Spotify don't give us a definitive answer.


I have now given up on Spotify - they are clearly not interested in the Sonos Community, otherwise they would have responded to this thread - frankly I think it's rather rude to totally ignore so many users.


I am currently using Google Play and trying Qobuz & Deezer;   it would take a lot to bring me back to using Spotify.



I first posted here in December 2013 and reluctantly decided to change to Google Play only last month after a deafening silence from Spotify in the last year.


The Sonos integration is much better - I can stream directly from the Google Play app and properly use the radio feature. Those features vastly outweigh the slightly inferior Google interface.


Just wanted to register another lost customer due to the total lack of a resonse on this issue. (I'd probably have hung on if they even told us it was on their backlog.)



I managed to get in touch with the developers on this issue (I used Your Music as an example) and here is the reply from the developers


Yeah, thanks spotify, it's been good but I'm off to a service which supports its users. Google or rdio

yes, I can chime in as yet another ex-paying spotify customer. Hello Google Music, goodbye spotify. 

I've also moved to Google Music (after being a Spotify premium user pretty much from the start).


I actually much prefer Spotify and the excellent mood playlists, but not being able to play my saved music library via Sonos (where I listen to 90% of music) is a complete deal breaker.

I feel obliged to chime in here too - I am now using Google music too. I like spotify, but I need artist/genre based radio stations on my sonos.

Dear Spotify, do you really want to lose additional customers? Go and provide some APIs.

Does the newly released SDK provide enough options for great Sonos-Spotify integration?

I also purchased the premium spotify account to use with my sonos speakers. If I can not have full integration, I will also be canceling spotify and looking for another provider. Happy to py the subscription fee only if it is worth it to me. Please make the integration happen. Is it really that difficult to do?

Recently invested a decent amount of money in Sonos speakers.  Would like to use the speakers and have full access to the music service, Spotify.  The thing is I can't really and won't return the speakers though it's relatively easy to switch to another streaming music service.  Google Play integration looks pretty good with Sonos.  It's a shame because I like Spotify better.  Two companies playing chicken?

I've owned Sonos for a long time (and Marantz which I'll mention too given they're now promoting Spotify on their AV Receivers).  These devices pulled me into streaming music via Spotify as a matter of fact.


After a few months I got sick of Spotify having two heads - one for your official Spotify channels, and another for third parties with far less capbility.  It was really frustrating in fact the lack of integration in favourites management etc.


After seeing this thread I realized there was no end in sight, Spotify were being deliberately coy, and part of the attraction of Sonos for me is that they play nicely with so many things, and I went to Rdio instead.  Since then I haven't looked back - desktop browser, app and AV devices all align nicely and a favourite, playlist or following on any is as good as the others.  I can't remember the list time a product drew me into a market then was so frustrating it gave me incentive to try a competitor, but there you go.  Pity the music selection on Rdio does't seem as big (maybe it's just my tastes) but there you go...


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