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Crossfade suddenly skips to next song


Crossfade suddenly skips to next song






OnePlus Nord2 5G (DN2103_11_F.46)

Operating System

Android 13 - OxygenOS 13.0

App Version


My Issue

When I'm listening with crossfade on, it isn't crossfading at all but straight skipping to the next song x seconds before the previous song ends.

I guess x is the time set in the crossfade setting.


This occurs, when I'm listening from the play queue and also with the first song in a playlist. I can't say for sure it's happening with every song change after the first in the playlist or e.g. albums.


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Hey there,


Thanks for all the reports and patience while our tech team looked into this.


Could you check if the latest version of the app behaves the same on your end? It should be fixed now, just make sure you're on the latest version. If you still experience those obstacles, post the version number you're using so we can check.



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25 Replies

Been facing the same issue, Happens for every song. Instead of cross-fading for like the set amount of time, it skips the said amount of time.


For example, If cross fade is set to 10 seconds .

Expected behaviour - Next song slowly starts to fade in when the current song only has 10 seconds left.


Actual Behaviour - Current song is completely cut off when it has 10 seconds remaining and the next one begins.

Hey folks,


Interesting. Could you share a short screen recording which captures this behavior in action? The following info would also be greatly appreciated @FireBird_12:

  • Your device's make, model and OS version.
  • The version of Spotify you're running.
  • The troubleshooting you've tried so far.

If you haven't already, try logging out and signing back in to your account as this triggers a refresh of the app that may help here. It's also worth performing a clean reinstall of the app by following the steps here.


We'll be on the lookout for your replies. Cheers!

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Hi, a clean reinstall of the app fixed this.



Samsung s23 ultra


One Ui 5.1 (Android 13)

Spotify Version


First of all: I figured out that this bug just occurs on my device, when I listen to the first song of my favorite songs list and not with other playlists. But still it is happening to every song in my queue.


Here is a screen record (was too big to attach it directly):


After this record I tried to log out and in again but this didn't fix the problem. Right now I will not perform a clean reinstall because of the bad internet connection where I am at right now, so I want to keep my downloads available for now 😉


Edit: Changed link to Google Drive.

Thanks for the updates folks!


@americancooki, I'm unable to open the link you've sent, so I can't access the screen recording, I'm afraid. Would you mind uploading it to Google Drive instead and sharing it again? Just make sure the file is accessible by anyone with the link.


Take care!

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Issue seems to be only occuring for 1st song in the liked songs list now, I've attached a screen recording below.


Hold back tears is the first song in my liked songs, i set the cross fade to 12 seconds, the current song (hold back tears) is abruptly cut off when 12 seconds are remaining and the next songs starts playing.

Thank you for your cooperation folks!


We've reported this behavior to our tech team who'll investigate further. We'll keep you posted here as soon as we have any updates.


Have a good one!

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Since Spotify's forum is not capable of showing the timestamps of when the messages were sent, I can also confirm that this issue is happening with me, also on the Desktop app.

Can confirm this happens to me as well on the Desktop app. Currently using the latest version, and first song on liked songs list skips whenever what you set your crossfade x seconds to.

Song Übergänge funktionieren nicht!

je nachdem wie lange man den Übergang einstellt zB. 5 Sekunden wird das erste Lied abgehackt und das nächste dann abgespielt. Es gibt keinen flüssigen Übergang.

bitte um einen fix da das Problem schon seid 2 Wochen besteht


Device: IOS17/iPhone14, MacOS14/MacbookAir


While music is playin with crossfade option selected and settled, the music getting ended with selected crossfades times early. While it needs to fade to other song, current song stops immediately with x seconds early and starts next song. 

It makes listening bad




England, UK



iPhone 14 plus 

Operating System

iOS 14 


My Question or Issue

My crossfade is set to 12 seconds but when I play from my likes songs it does not cross fades it just stops the song 12 seconds before the end and jumps to the next track. Really annoying please help 

I am also having this issue and it is really annoying. Is there a fix??

Having this issue as well, seems to only happen when not in shuffle






Samsung S22 Ultra / Windows App / PS5


My Question or Issue

The last song i added to my favourites playlist always cuts abruptly at 8 seconds left, and instantly starts the next song, it doesnt fade out as its supposed to. This only applies to the up-most song in the Playlist, and whenever i add a new Song it inherits the issue. Crossfade is enabled and works on all other songs, and it happens throughtout the Mobile App, the Windows App and the PS5 Version.

This Issue doesnt happen in any other Playlist of mine.

Marked as solution

Hey there,


Thanks for all the reports and patience while our tech team looked into this.


Could you check if the latest version of the app behaves the same on your end? It should be fixed now, just make sure you're on the latest version. If you still experience those obstacles, post the version number you're using so we can check.



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On Windows it is definitely not fixed.

Tested with version:
Spotify für Windows (64 Bit)


Here are easy steps to reproduce the bug on Windows ( maybe this will help:
- Got to settings and set up the fader at the end of a song. (In my case 8 seconds)

- Go to your Artist sidebar and just click play on an Artist that is currently not playing

- Drag the song time bar to nearly the end of the song

- At exactly 8 seconds from the end, where the fader should start, the song ends and the next song starts playing


Hey, thanks for your effort! It seems to work now. Didn't test every possible way, but the most important work.


App Version


Android 13 - OxygenOS 13.0

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