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Jump to current song when you open playlists

Jump to current song when you open playlists

When you open or go back to the current playlist, it would great if the app automatically 'jumped to' the current song playing or queued, instead of having to scroll through 1,100+ songs, looking for 1 highlighted song to see where you're up to / a few songs previous / songs coming up.


Surely that feature wouldn't be too complicated to add in.


Please consider it.




17 Replies

Hi there @Jason100 👋


Going back (via the back arrow) should take you to the last scrolled position in the playlist/album. To jump to the currently playing song's position in the playlist/album with the mobile app, you can tap the source at the top of the Now Playing View:


Mobile appMobile app

As for desktop, you'll find the source at the top of the Now Playing View instead:


Desktop appDesktop app

Hope this clears things up. In case you're having any issues with this, feel free to share a short screen recording which captures what's happening on your end.


Cheers 🙂

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Thank you for the detailed reply @iokepakepa! We're always looking for opportunities to enhance the listening experience for our users. Your feedback on this is greatly appreciated.


The Community is always here if something else comes up in the meantime.


Cheers 💚

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This suddenly is broken and you no longer can click to go to playing song as of 2024 April


Previously you could click on the current song playing(see attached picture) to jump to the playlist that you're currently listening to, but that feature is removed since a while ago.
Instead, now it just opens "Playing now" (see the 2nd attached picture).

Any chance of getting the old feature back instead of having 2 buttons doing the exact same thing.





Spotify 1.PNG
Spotify 2.PNG

Maybe i'm not used to this forum, but it looks like my post got moved into this thread.

However this isn't the same issue or the same solution/resolution.

If i for example play the list "Daily mix 1" and click the "Now playing" it moves me to the album of the song currently playing and not the playlist i'm currently listening to

Hey @Xecy!


This happens when you click on the currently playing song's title or artwork. To open the playlist, click the playlist title at the top of the Now Playing View:



Something else that's worth noting is that at the moment, clicking album artwork at the bottom left corner opens the Now Playing View.


Hope this clears things up.


Cheers 🤘

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This was driving me crazy too. You used to be able to just click the album cover in the bottom left of the window and it would jump to the track but that just show/hides the "Now Playing" sidebar thing. HOWEVER, in that Now Playing sidebar, just above the album cover should be the playlist name (and an X to close it_. If you click the playlist name there it should jump to the song in the playlist. At least it's doing it for me right now (April 19 2024) - Who knows how long it will last 😂

THEY SIMPLY BROKE IT. There is no way to start the day as always - (1) open Spotify, (2) click Play and (3) scroll to current song in 9-years old Liked Songs playlist over 10-years old Liked Songs playlist. How is your UX research and UI features list working, Spotify? I think  this is half amateurship: somebody just replaced a feature in 1 billion users app by another because had a bad day? PS and replace this ancient captcha while posting.


Group 900.png

This is driving me crazy also, such a basic function to have. Not to mention these days If you take of playing on random, it won't stay where you are in your play list, but go back to the start / newest songs in your playlist. (Previously I'm sure like a lot of folks, I liked to play random on a large playlist, till some music or a particular artist I like 2 years ago is playing, and I think oh yeah I'm in the mood for some of those songs, take it off random, and enjoy). 

*Forgot to mention playing on random issue and then taking it off random – only seems to be an issue with mobile/in car

Respectfully, you keep saying "clears things up" as if people aren't certain how to navigate Spotify's desktop app, when what they're doing is giving feedback on how recent updates have scrambled some basic usability. The issue being reported is that clicking a currently playing song from the bottom left of the app used to navigate directly to that song's spot in the playlist/album it is playing from. The "Now Playing View" that it now pulls up instead does not at all serve the same function. In fact, being that there is literally a dedicated "Now Playing View" button just further over on the bottom bar, why does clicking the song's album art need to do the same thing instead of what it used to? Pretty frustrating.



Although clicking the playlist name at the top of the Now Playing window will open the playlist, it DOES NOT scroll to the currently playing song.


I believe this feature is simply broken.



Clicking the playlist name in the top right side of the interface is working as of today with Spotify for Windows (64 bit)

  • On the iPhone (iOS 17.5.1) the feature is broken. It has actually never worked for the years that I am using spotify
  • On Windows, the feature is working.


This is a basic feature which is bugged and should not be needed to be put through "Ideas", waiting that enough users vote for it. There are other features about resuming playlist with thousands of votes which are ignored too (see


Im thinking to switch to another streaming service if spotify ignores this issue.

Hey Yordan,


could you take care of this issue please, its not working on ios.


see my last comment in this thread.

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