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MP3 Players


MP3 Players

Will we be able to download our music to other systems that are not part of the IPod team, such as a RCA MP3 Player



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the most i can recomend is a samsung galaxy player or walkman with android

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46 Replies

I am wondering the same thing.  I would like to use my PREMIUM account on my MP3 player (not an iPod) if possible.  If not then I may downgrade my subscription to SPOTIFY UNLIMITED or go back to the free option.


I hope that other users know the answer to this question.  Thank you ahead of time

Am completely with you all. Am currently running with a Sansa clip and wouldn't trade it for a big device such as an iphone to run. If at least we could transfer spotify songs (others than locals) to a iPod shuffle, that would be a good start but that's not even the case as far as I understand it. That's too bad.

Maybe Spotify could release their own MP3 player for premium users. One that could understand the encoded songs and one we could run with. A million dollar idea right there! I'll accept bank transfer thankyou.

If Rhapsody can do it, then so too should Spotify. I hate Apple products, and will not support groups of business that allow that company to maintain a monopoly. Fix it or I just will never give you my money. Iam sure there are several others who feel the same. 


Gotta love capitalism and free market concepts. 



So  from what IM getting from your posts is that I can't use spotify on any brand of mp3 it has to be an ipod?

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the most i can recomend is a samsung galaxy player or walkman with android

Missykstone - The only mp3 player Spotify supports are iPods, yes. You can read more about it here:

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I think people missing the point about spotify and how it works.
As mentioned earlier spotify music is encoded in a format that only spotify software will be able play. This is for Copyrighting reasons (ie paying for the right to listen to a track, not own it).
The reason it will not work on any old mp3 player is the fact that most mp3 players are not made to hold any software, they can only hold mp3's. Where as apple and ios devices have the ability to store any apps (ie spotify app).
Standard mp3 players will never be able to use spotify (ever).
I don't like this either btw but it is the only way spotify can maintain its legality and relationship with music companies.
Hope this clears things up a little.

We're not arguing that what you've stated is incorrect.  You're missing the underlying point of this thread.  The point isnt' why can't it currenlty do that, it's why aren't they working towards something that can accomodate this request.


The demand is there, if other competitors (Rhapsody) can accomplish this, then Spotify can work towards it as well.  If they refuse, stating that 'the system just isn't designed that way,' then they're going to ostracize a portion of their market (if that portion is even worth it to them, remains their decision).  We're raising our hands as members of that market share.

I also agree with this. I do not want to buy a apple product for different reasons, but I want to have a mp3-player I can use Spotify on, because I use it so much my phone has to be charged every day. 
Spotify should cooperate with Sony or another brand that makes mp3-players, and make a special Spotify mp3-player, or at least make Sony (or another brand) make a mp3-player that has android market (google play), that can run Spotify. I believe this would be a popular product.

@mbjohannesen wrote:

I also agree with this. I do not want to buy a apple product for different reasons, but I want to have a mp3-player I can use Spotify on, because I use it so much my phone has to be charged every day. 
Spotify should cooperate with Sony or another brand that makes mp3-players, and make a special Spotify mp3-player, or at least make Sony (or another brand) make a mp3-player that has android market (google play), that can run Spotify. I believe this would be a popular product.

You can actually already by android web enabled Sony walkmans. 

I can't give you a direct link, but have a look for NWZ-F805 online, not 100% sure if Spotify would actually work with that device, but it is proof there are devices like this out there already. 



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I use spotify primarily to play my local music, plus some nice discovery features.



I am looking for a way to drag my own files to my own devices and players.

Say, 'Save playlist's local files in M3U playlist'  and/or  'Copy playlists's local files to directory/device'


I realize this may conflict with user expectations a bit -- 'why does it do only part of the playlist, waah?' -- so I'd say hide it under advanced features with a caveat note.


Thing is, playlists are fun, but if they have zero value outside spotify, then I have little further interest in building them, because I'll get more mileage from any decade-old player...





I've got a Sony Walkman that I'd LOVE to use with Spotify, but no go. As a result I'll probably drop my premium before the trial ends. Makes me sad.

So this thread has been going for over a year now.  Has there been any progress with getting your system to work?

I don't understand why people are rambling on about liscencing issues or artist rights.  Why is it okay to take Spotify anwhere I go on my mobile phone but not on a music player?  How is that different???  I use Spotify on my Android phone, my friend on her iPod Touch.  We both use these devices for running.  I use the offline AND online funtionality as I have unlimited 4G data with my mobile contract.  However, these devices aren't a practical size for running and usage kills my phone's battery longevity.


So, why's it ok for me to have all the futionality of Spotify on my laptop, my TiVo, my Android phone but not a dedicated music device???  To me... it all seems a bit... odd.  I can play and/or download unlimited tracks on my TV, my laptop and my phone... but not my MUSIC PLAYER.  How bizarre does that actually sound???  A MUSIC app that is not available to me on a dedicated MUSIC device!!!


I, like someone else on this forum, invested in an Android based Creative Zen Touch 2 assuming I'd be able to get the Spotify app from the Google Play Store, just as iPod users can from the App Store.  Alas, I can't.  I should've checked with Creative before buying, but, hey-ho, we live and learn.  I, like many users of Spotify Premium, don't ever want to buy an Apple product.  Why exclude us?  The more Apple-centric a company becomes... the less I like it.


Whilst it's great that I can use my Spotify Premium account on my phone for commuting to work, etc, my phone really isn't a practical size for running.  A dedicated Spotify Player (or an app on my Zen) for my runs would be IDEAL.  I'd even pay a slightly higher subscription to have such a practical solution made available to me.  


I hate to moan at Spotify as it's an amazingly useful product... but the tech world moves fast... and really... they need to keep up with changing ways their subscribers use their product.


Get on it Spotify... or many of us will jump ship.



PS:  I loathe the new, white, GUI on the desktop app.  :o(

Get on it Spotify... or many of us will jump ship.


Do you know of any other streaming services which do allow this sort of usage? I have a nano so I am always looking for the best source of content! 


As for you Creative Zen, if its an android device but it doesn't have access to google play, you might be able to download the installer files directly from or find a hacked version of android to run on it (with play support) online. 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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I actually came here looking for a specific non ithingy mp3 device for spotify premium+ (which i subscribe to), any news since 2012?

I think you sort of answered your own question in a kind of round about way. 


I'm fairly new to Spotify, and kind of like it too.  I used to be a Rhapsody user for years, and not into Apple products for the same reasons many of the others have said.  However, I have never totally been satisfied with Rhapsody.  And I do prefer this Spotify now.  However, what you people say is annoying me as well. 


But I get the feeling there must be sort of an underlying agreement with Apple somewhere.  Apple is some huge conglomerate -- so well organized  -- and is like a monopoly as much as they can make themselves out to be.  Kind of ironic because of how much larger Microsoft and Windows has always been over them.  But they still do all they can to exist in this fashion as much as possible.  So, I figure they have some part in Spotify, or why we are seeing their products more exclusively mentioned.


The other thing about about why not mp3 players when it's clearly about the MUSIC, when it is allowed to all these other portable device is... again... you answered your own question.  it's all about the MUSIC.  It's this idea that maybe they want to make the product accessible to a certain extent.  However, the KEY, or dividing line between accessibility and pure MUSIC purposes is just that.  For they figure with MP3 players proper, this IS the lifeblood or the complete purpose of the device!  So, it's not simply about making the music portable, but crosses over, in their minds, into the copyright areas.  For they figure people think of mp3 players as today's CD players proper. And even though phones are pretty much the same thing.  A lot of people don't see them the exact same way.  For even if you can't run with them in the same way.  They also normally don't carry as many songs, or have as nice of a display, and geared towards music.  So this is why they don't quite go that little "extra inch.," though it is ridiculous!  In other words, even though you are paying for their service, they -- along with the artists -- still want to encourage you SOMEWHAT to buy their mp3s for your primary players!

Hey, I need to know if Spotify will work on an Android enabled Sony F series Walkman.



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