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No way to disable voice saying "resuming playlist"

No way to disable voice saying "resuming playlist"




Samsung Galaxy S9


When I'm connected to my car via Bluetooth and I open Spotify, it will interrupt with a voice saying "Resuming [playlist title]" before autoplaying whatever playlist or song was last open.


This voice "feature" is awful and I would like to know if there's a way to disable it. Who decided to implement this? I know what song I'm playing? Why would I need a robot voice telling the name of the music that I put on? Very frustrating.


Thank you

118 Replies

There are multiple threads about this


Its happening for everyone when they get back in their car it has nothing to do with the DJ, it says resuming/playing then the playlist/podcast name at a volume level louder then the music you were just listening to and it disables the shuffle as well so you lose wherever you were just at in a playlist/podcast. There is no setting to turn off this feature so as of now I'm forced to reactivate shuffle and get back on whatever song I was just listening to when I get back in my car.


I am posting a screenshot that the reddit thread poster provided so you can see what im talking about as you can see in the screenshot he is connected to his car and the "playing from album" activates.

Screenshot 2024-04-15 162833.png

This is new, and awful. Whenever my car takes over music play it yells at me about what's playing. I know what's playing, unless of course Spotify randomly plays a song/podcast I didn't choose which happens entirely too often.

To confirm - music/podcast playing > enter car > switches to car audio > yells at me about what is playing. Why.

Just noticed this feature and it is SO frustrating.  What could this have possibly been a fix for?


At the very least, this needs to be a setting that can be turned off. 


This. It is nothing to do with the DJ, which I have confirmed is switched off and always has been.



I hate this. It's so incredible pointless and obnoxious as others have stated.


To add insult to injury, lately when I've been playing music and I don't have great service in the area, when I come back to Spotify it starts playing the wrong playlist. For example, going on a walk and listening to a playlist. Put earbuds away. Get in car. Connects to car bluetooth and starts playing the wrong/previous playlist. Well, now I get to hear the title of that wrong playlist announced in a loud and obnoxious robot voice before I have to stop playback and find the correct playlist I was actually just listening to. It is a lovely way to take an already annoying occurrence and make it just the right amount of even more annoying. 

This needs to be a setting I can turn off. And for the record, don't launch something like this as a default, how hard is it to already understand that without us having to tell you? 

Ooof. This has been an issue for almost a week now. Really wish it wasn't a thing.

commenting to bump awful feature

This is by far the worse “feature” I have ever encountered on Spotify. The DJ and Automix  were dumb enough on their own but at least you could turn those off. This thing sucks so bad and serves zero purpose and worst of all you can’t turn the damn thing off. 

I’m having the same issue. Let me turn this dumb thing off!

I googled this feature to see about turning it off and all I found was this thread 😭 I hate it too Spotify please stop 

Garbage feature. Constantly unshuffles my playlist/plays a completely different playlist. Add a disable option or get rid of this trash! 

Please remove this "feature", especially for paying members. We don't want interruptions, that why we pay.

The worst thing about this feature is that it turns off Shuffle every time I connect to my car.

Absolutey hate it

I've been annoyed by this issue too. After going through every setting in my Spotify app I think I know what the cause is and how to get rid of it!!


Go into "Settings and privacy" (by tapping on your icon in your app) > "Car" > toggle off "Car Mode"


Having "Car Mode" on is the default setting and it seems Spotify has added the (kinda useless and annoying) voice description unprompted lol. I personally haven't been phased with "Car Mode" so I won't miss it. Have tried it a couple of times with my car and the voice is gone for me - hopefully this is helpful and works for everyone else!

Please! It shatters my eardrums every time I get in my car. It's awful!

I will go back to pirating music if you keep adding stupid garbage like this awful ear bursting feature

This is just the latest in a long line of employees justifying their continued employment for massive companies by making changes to the UX just to make a change, not because it actually makes anything better.  Like all the others it's actively detrimental to the User Experience.


Like changing a perfectly known and recognized logo to some minimalist garbage, this is nothing more than a transparent attempt by some people at Spotify to stay employed by merely having done _something_ even if what they did was abysssmal.

Just adding my voice here that I would appreciate the option to turn this off. It also prevents me from being able to go back a song so I end up having to restart the playlist.

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