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Song in the Spotify Commercial at Freemium

Song in the Spotify Commercial at Freemium

Hello, when playing songs on Spotify, after some while there is a commercial that takes around 20 seconds, there is a song I would love to know the title of, it's a girl who sings and the only lyrics I've registered in my head was "as long as I'm straight back", tried to google it but didn't find it. Can't really say anything else about it, been waiting for 3 hours now without any commercial between my playlist.


I'm desperate to know 😛 Thanks up front!

2 Replies

Hmm, odd. Have you tried reinstalling the app?

No, I haven't yet. I've listened to songs on Spotify today again, now for 6 hours, no single commercial. Now I don't know what I want the most (if you think a re-install will bring back commercials), keeping it like this without commercials or wanting to know the name of the song lol!

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