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Spotify Stats

Spotify Stats

It are no updated statistics (play counts, popularity etc) on new tracks in the last two weeks. For example Nick Fiero "Rush" has according  "Next Big Sound" 2810 streams on spotify. When will this fixed?

nick fiero stats.jpg
4 Replies

Can you try reinstalling spotify.

I've already done.The problem exists on all platforms (Spotify webplayer, Windows 7, MacOS, Mobile). And also on another account.. Or can you seethe popularity and play counts on Nick Fiero?

I see the same as you but does Next Big Sound track spotify plays and show them seperately. It could just be that the artist page stats aren't updated as regularly I guess.

Until now it was so that the popularity has been adjusted at the latest after 5 days. This has not changed last fifteen days. It is also the case with larger artists. -> R3hab

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