Hey folks! We're aware of some playlist issues. More info can be found here.

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Step 1


Switching to Alexa changes my queue.

Switching to Alexa changes my queue.






Alexa Echo


My Question or Issue

When I play to Alexa, my queue will shuffle to play one artist very heavily, and hardly anything else.  Even if I make a queue on another device and then switch to my Alexa, my Alexa will switch up my queue to do this.  This is obviously annoying.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

7 Replies


Hey @SavageWedding.


Thanks for getting in touch!


Is more than one account being used with your Alexa speaker? Only the primary account will be used when asking Alexa to play something. So if a secondary account is being used to play music and you ask Alexa to play something, it will switch to the primary account. This could explain why the queue changes when you ask Alexa to play something.


Hope this answers your question. Let us know if you have further questions.


Have a nice day.

It doesn't. There's only one user.

Hey @SavageWedding,


Just to be clear, do you have the Shuffle feature turned on at all time while this is happening? And does this happen with all your playlists? What artist is getting played all the time? 


Perform a quick reinstall, and let us know the info. 


All the best!



Yes. This continues to happen post-reinstall. This happens on the webplayer, the PC app, and the phone app - when I switch to the Amazon Echo, my playlist only shuffles a few artists.

Hey @SavageWedding.


When using Spotify Connect, tracks get queued in packs of 100. So if you have a big playlist and start to stream it, it's possible that only the first 100 tracks of the playlist are playing. You can get around this by toggling Shuffle and choosing a random song in the middle of the playlist.


Hope this helps. Let us know if you have further questions.


Have a nice day.

Same issue, it's not user error. Please can someone fix this and the other million problems with Spotify's user interface! 

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