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Thank you for maintaining some graphic design independence

Thank you for maintaining some graphic design independence

Thank you for maintaining some graphic design independence from the current trends.  I love that the Spotify window has prominent black background (instead of over-saturated white), that the upper-left window control buttons still have a 3-D form (instead of the horrid 'flat' look), that all text is readable rather than impractically faint, and that there's no blurry translucency.  You did give in to using circles as artist photo windows, which is part of the trend (and which I think looks childish).  But overall, Bravo! and Thank You! for a look that is distinctive rather than just part of the herd.

1 Reply

Hey there!

Thanks for you nice feedback, great to hear you like the design. 😉

(Moved your topic over here since it's not really a feature request (ideas exchange))

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