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Web Player Issue


Web Player Issue

Hi folks. We're aware that Web Player doesn't currently work for everyone.


We're investigating and will let you know when there's an update.

Community Ergo Sum
293 Replies

Nope, still doing it. Still don't know why.

Looks like Spotify is not concerned that you and I can't login to the webplayer, in other words; they stopped supporting the web app. Otherwise we would have seen some major news on what has been going on for a while now and that they are working on it.. They don't so I assume they want the webplayer to go away quietly.. Nice job Spotify! We'll go somewhere else.

Web player is still working fine for me.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I actually directly received answers via twitter from Spotify- seems like they were having bugs but couldnt give a definite timeline. They said likely 24 hours but its been that....

Day 2 in the apocalyptic wasteland that is work without spotify. The "other" site keeps stopping, playing the same songs I've heard thousands of times. I can't switch to moods or find new music. When will this anarchy end?!

No, they don't  plan on fixing itt. The "bug" is intentional. They want to switch web player users over to the downloadable app.  It's more lucrative for them with more reliable data. Some users are listening on a computer which they can't download spotify., though. Don't really like the other site, hopefully a spotify clone will pop up soon- (and only clone the good parts.)

Bad Gateway 502 error or 504 Gateway Time-out error on Web Player page.

Someone fixed it, I can enter now to Web Player. Need to look at my playlists, at mobile playlist management is not that good. I listen from Pioneer Spotify speakers where bass gets smooth!

No webplayer! Says 504 Gateway Timeout.

may 26th 9 AM GMT +1

<script charset="UTF-8" type="application/javascript" src="chrome://hdv/content/hdv.js"></script>

I would say that the webplayer is working for me for first time in a very long time. May 26th 4:22 AM Central Time.

I have been having playlist load issues were the playlist would not load and show the artwork correctly in the playlist icon window, but this morning they are starting to load slowly but as I scroll new ones start loading correct. I did have to refresh the browser one time to freshen everything up in the cache but whomever with the godlike fingers a big thankie from me here. 🙂

Keeps getting error code 502 or 504 when trying to access the web player.

But it works just fine while browsing other pages (e.g. profile) 


@eddiex0725 - What country are you in?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I also see "Connecting to Spotify" but this never loads. I am in Germany and using Firefox 29



@vgezer wrote:



I also see "Connecting to Spotify" but this never loads. I am in Germany and using Firefox 29



Too bad they just ignore people who have this issue. 

Getting the 504 Gateway Time-out all morning on a brand new session using Google Chrome.

I'm getting the same error on Firefox as well.

Todays it is working, both on newest Chrome, Firefox OSX.


 I am in the Netherlands btw..

<script charset="UTF-8" type="application/javascript" src="chrome://hdv/content/hdv.js"></script>

web player is not working for me -.- 

I have reported these errors.


Bad Gateway 502 error or 504 Gateway Time-out error on Web Player

@vixylyla Is this still happening for you? Have you given this a try another browser at all? 

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