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playlist's total songs issue

playlist's total songs issue

Hi everybody i'm new of Spotify. I have a little issue, I made a playlist but the user following it can't see all the songs, in the overall it tells him there are 40-50 songs less than the total i added. Is there a way to fix this? I have a free account while the other user is premium, I don't know if this can help. Thanks everybody for the help.

2 Replies

Hey @crazypippo, welcome to the Community! 


Can you send us the URI of your playlist so we can check it out? How many songs do you have approximately on your playlist? 


We'll look forward to hearing from you. 

Hi thank you for the reply. I think I figured the problem, I'm from Italy and my friend from USA and it seems that some italian songs aren't on the american spotify. Is it possible? does anybody know something more about this?. thank you.

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