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Family at same address?

Family at same address?

How do you define living at the same address - specifically:

1) f your kids live with you some of the time (other times might be at college or university of with the other parent) is this living at the same address?

2) how do you enforce this rule - do you just leave it to honesty?

3) why have you made this rule? What are you trying to achieve? Perhaps there is another way of trying to achieve the same thing

My son's try to persuade me to sign up - i may do if these questions are answered.

I have seen this asked in other posts but no response from Spotify. If you care about customers please answer.

A potential customer 🙂
19 Replies

Hey @jerseyhouse,


Thanks for coming to the Spotify Community. I’ll do my best to see what I can suggest here.


There’s some more info on this at


To join the plan, they’ll just need to reside at the same physical address as you.
If this is the case, then you should be fine to subscribe and I don’t think you’ll have any problems.


If you do go ahead, should you run into any troubles when trying to sign up just let me know and i’ll see if I can help 🙂

MaximSpotify Star
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Thank you for replying, i still do not have an answer to the questions I asked unfortunately

Sometimes my sons reside at our address sometimes they don't. This weekend they are all at home, over the summer (6 months) they are at home during the week they are away at Uni. Any letters or parcels are addressed to them here.

Lots of responses contradict on this so we just need clarity.

Secondly, does Spotify check? And if so how?

Hey @jerseyhouse!


We understand your situation. Spotify will verify the eligibility internally, taking into account the info provided by the administrator of the plan at the moment of signup. Once all family members are able to join in, they shouldn't have any issues with their subscription.


However, in case they don't live in the same physical address as the administrator or spend time traveling, we'd recommend those members to start their own individual subscription to avoid any interruptions in the future.


Here's our T&Cs of this plan: Let us know if you have any doubts. 



I don't think so! The purpose of asking the question is for you to provide
clarity, before signing up. If you don't want to do this then the answer is
apple music

Just be up front with your customers please

Good morning Erica, i have read the terms and conditions you posted and the only thing it states is "All account holders must reside at the same address to be eligible for the Premium for Family Plan.". I didn't see any mention of travelling, college or university. It didn't state whether they reside at home all the time or some of the time. Therefore this is open to interpretation. Hence my questions which have still not been answered.

You did say “However, in case they don't live in the same physical address as the administrator or spend time traveling, we'd recommend those members to start their own individual subscription to avoid any interruptions in the future.”. Just so I make my position clear, I am trying to make an informed decision on whether to go with Spotify or Apple Music. Lots of individual Spotify accounts costing me £50 per month is not an option i would consider. It seems you are eluding to the fact that if somebody at the address spends time travelling they then may become ineligible. If this is the case then it is Apple music, however this would contradict some replies to other posts i have seen on Spotify.

Sorry to push this point home I just need clarity please, so to repeat the questions:

1) If your kids live with you some of the time (other times might be at college or university of with the other parent) is this living at the same address?

2) how do you enforce this rule - do you just leave it to honesty?

Hey @jerseyhouse,


We'd reccomend reaching out to our support team via Twitter or email. They'll be able to answer any questions and help get you Premium for Family subscription sorted 🙂



I used to have spotify premium family with my mom. I still live with her and everything. But out of nowhere spotify asked me to re confirm my address (which is the same as my mother's CAUSE WE LIVE TOGETHER) and yet, spotify tells me that I don't. I've tried everything, we both have in our accounts the SAME ADDRESS the same ZIP CODE, and yet it doesn't work. 



If the address is changed how can main account change the address? And really what is the point of this rule. All the old settings remain the same but if you add new member it's With this new genius rule? Why companies confuse and stress their clients, let people listen to the music and enjoy for the good aim. And if it's your family price u charge that doesnt satisfy you raise it then jeeez. Don't forget to check definition of the word family from dictionary #greedy#confused#disapointed



In this cae I would reccomend that this time (if you have not tried already) to let your mum try to add you. But this time please do so from your home network, and be sure to type the details exactly as the admin (your mother) did.


If you have tried this already, or after trying this the issue still exists please reach out to Spoitfy in one of the following ways:


If you get an automated reply email telling you to check the help section or the community, you need to reply back to it, even if it's from a no-reply address.


Support usually replies within 24-48 hours.


You can also tweet or DM @SpotifyCares on Twitter or send a message to Spotify Cares on Facebook.


If this solved your issue - Mark it as a solution! If you like my post - Please add a Like! 



Robert_WRock Star 11
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Wow, it is amazing how many moderators and others (who are obviously just wanting people to give them thumbs ups for their replies) won't even bother to answer this lady's simple questions. I am assuming these people can read. I am also assuming they understand this lady's extremely simple questions. Which means, they really aren't wanting to actually answer her questions, either because they don't want to come out and say that they're just leaving the whole "same physical address" issue to honesty, or there is a legal issue at stake. (Or perhaps they're internally verifying by means of public records, etc., to blacklist users from using their service in the future...) Both of these reasons could have easily been said by anyone trying to "answer" her question. Spotify, your answering capabilities are mind-numbingly terrible.

Or, you could, you know, just answer her super simple questions. Unbelievable. They're not difficult questions.

what an amount of bull**bleep** is spotify giving as answers to this **bleep**edup messed they create. Sorry moving to APP music.


I live in a place where the format of the address is not Street name/street number... I live in the same physical location and the answer from spotify is just bull**bleep**

yes, this is my issue... my family is who I say is my family, not spotify...

Thanks for all the answers folks. 


I was going to get spotify family premium for my family but will hold off as it seems spotify have a ham fisted implementation at the moment. 



Get Google Play instead. You'll get YouTube red with it and they don't have any of this nonsense.

I'm happy I read this post. I was going to upgreade and give my sister and parents Premium but decided not to since Spotify can't answer the questions. My family is defined by me, not Spotify. Google Play Music and Apple Music just require the users to be in the same country. Spotify needs to change this.

Wait, what... ? 

I can not travel with my spotify premium family account? 

So if my husband and I are using a premium family account and I make a trip to my parents 1000 km away in another country I can not listen to music with spotify premium there with the same premium family account? 

Is that what youre saying? 

Spotify, you guys suck. Honestly. 

Seems absurd that you recomend that each have their account. Travellers are an issue with spotify?????

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