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Student page Not found

Student page Not found

Hello, I'm trying to subscribe the Spotify student on this page -

but after clicking on Try premium - some pink page pops up and says "Page not found".

So please any help, how can I subscribe?

24 Replies

Hey there @Nick_CZ,


Thanks for posting and welcome to the community!


We'd first recommend opening that page to sign up for the student discount in an incognito or private window in your browser.


If that doesn't help, we'd suggest trying the following:

  • A different device
  • A different internet connection

Let us know how it goes 🙂

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H, I am having the same problem and none of the above work. Any other ideas?

Hey @joannakonte,


Thanks for posting here 🙂


It's a good idea to check if the country you're currently residing in is matching the country in your account. If you need to update the country, you can give these steps a go.


If that doesn't help-could you share with us in which country you're currently residing in? We'll look into this further.


Keep us posted.

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Hi, I am currently residing in Greece but I originally created my account when I was in Cyprus. I changed my account settings and I changed the country to Greece and it isn’t working. What else can I do?


I'm getting same issue,


tried all  incoginito, another device/internet    didn't help at all,


Country Czech Republic

Hey folks,


Thanks for the replies and the info.


Can you try again from this link?


Also, let us know on exactly which step of the process you get the error message.





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Hi, I am having the same problem, I´ve tried different connection and device also. I am not able to change my payment method cuz it says that the card that i put in isnt compatible with the one we use in the country that my spotify is registered in, but i cant change my country either. Its registered in Slovakia and i am living in Czech Republic rn

Hi there @Groul,


Thanks for posting and welcome to the Community!


If you already have a Premium subscription and want to change your account's country settings, you need to use a payment method registered in the country you're currently living in, in this case Czech Republic. Keep in mind that the country change will take place on your next billing date.


Once you've done it, you should be able to correctly apply for the student discount.


Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions.

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Hi, I tried all advices you write here but payment still doesn´t work. I corfimn payment, bank write it was succesfull and pink site shows up. I have everything set on Czech republic and your link doesn´t work too. I am clueless what to with it.
Thank for help.

Hi @van_sska,

Thank you for your reply in this thread.


Can you try from this link?

If that doesn't do the trick, can you provide us a screenshot of what you see so that we can have a closer look directly from your end?

We'll keep an eye out for your reply.

Take care!

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From this link it works! Thank you so much! 

Hey @van_sska,


Thanks for letting us know that it worked 🙂


Don't hesitate to reach out again if you have questions.


Take care!

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Hello, I have the same problem like the others. I am student in Slovakia.

Hey @ada_rodari,


Thanks for reaching out about this.


Premium Student is currently not available in Slovakia. We don't have official info when or if this type of Premium subscription will be made available in the country.


Hope this clears things up.

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I tried to sign up for a student subscription, but the pink window just keeps popping up.
I've tried all the answers to the same question,
but it doesn't work. The country has also changed. (Netherlands)
I don't know what the problem is. Thank you for your help.

Hey @latina,


Thank you for your reply in this thread.


Can you see if this link works? If it doesn't can you provide us a screenshot of what you can see so that we can have a closer look directly from your end?

We'll be on the lookout for your reply.


Take care!

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Live, love, laugh and listen to music 🙂

Hello, I have the same problem, is there a page where I can find all the countries that apply to the students discount?

Thank u!!!

it works!!!!

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