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Ban Joe Rogan now!


Ban Joe Rogan now!

Profiting from the distribution of deadly misinformation is immoral and shameful! I am a paying subscriber and if you don't remove him I will leave.Profiting from the distribution of deadly misinformation is immoral and shameful! Another paying subscriber leaving Spotify for a platform that supports the art of music and not Faux News. Ps. It was easy to find a way to export my playlists.

454 Replies

I stand with Jo Mamma! or in her.

The problem with cancelling your Spotify account due to the censorship of Joe Rogan is that all cancellations are being lumped together and the media is spinning this as "20+ per cent of Spotify users are leaving Spotify in protest of Joe Rogan!"   


That's really unfortunate.   It makes the cancel culture mob appear more influential than they really are.


Something to think about.



"Not only this, but I was on with several customer support representatives for several hours today, and all but 1 was rude and dismissive regarding this."


Did you ask to speak to the manager? 😉

I am sick of this woke cancel culture. I believe in freedom of speech even when in comes to speech I don't like. It's people like you that are helping the elite establishment destroy our civil liberties. We don't want a Ministry of Truth, nor do We want to live under an American version of the CCP.

He needs to be banned. I am so disappointed with this platform and how this has been handled. The way artists are treated, versus his pay check, is just absolutely unacceptable. This is not about free speech. He doesn't belong here. 


And, frankly, I'm frustrated that I'm losing some of my favorite artists because this has been handled so poorly. 

I find Spotify really disrespectful and dishonest when it states that Joe Rogan does "not represent the values of this company."

So, the company pays $100,000,000 for something that is against the company's values?  Really?
Spotify paid $100,000,000 for something and does not stand behind it?  


Joe Rogan's words, especially the statement about going into a movie theater that had mainly black people in it and calling it "planet of the apes" - calling those black people apes!  That is what he did unprompted.  He said in more than once.  He even knew it was racist.  He did not apologize for it until people got upset.  This shows that he was not actually sorry about what he said but about the fact that people were upset at him.


It is completely unacceptable that Spotify supports, backs, pays for this type of content.  And pays a lot for it.


This will be why I leave Spotify and my whole (extended) family will.  Trying to say that his content does not represent your values after you specifically paid such a high premium for his content just shows your dishonesty.  I fail to see how paying $100,000,000 dollars for the content to be exclusively on Spotify does not mean that Spotify supports his content.  By definition, you are supporting it by paying all that money.


For the same reason, I find it hard to even thing about giving one more dollar to Spotify in any way as those dollars are supporting Joe Rogan. Unless you can honestly say that not one penny of the money we pay in subscriptions goes to supporting Joe Rogan.

You holy than thow people perplex me. You are the definition of a sheep if you choose to be scared your whole life and cede your freedom to the government. They have been proven wrong time and time and time again about covid. That is not disputable to anyone who can think for themselves and can apply logic and reason. 

If you hate Joe Rogan so much, don't listen to him. You seem to be OK with the government spreading dangerous misinformation for two years. They have the entire media apparatus as willing accomplices to parrot their narrative and one guy named Joe (Rogan that is) scares you so much he needs to be banned???? Why do you think he has such a following? Not because he's wrong its because he is saying what independent people know to be true. 

I hope you are never censored for your thoughts or opinions because free speech is the antidote for totalitarianism. Look up the word if you have to. If Mr. Rogan is so wrong then you should be able to squash him in seconds with facts and "science". You seem to be frustrated because facts and science do not support you ideals.

If you don't like Joe, or the way Spotify does business, don't pay for it!!  Why is that such a hard concept for people??? If you don't like the taste of lemons, don't buy them. Should lemons be banned because you don't like them??? Unreal. 

You couldn't be more wrong. Are you really not aware of statistics and just plain reality? Or are have you consumed so much government cool-aid your hallucinating? It is absolutely a fact, according to the infamous CDC which I take you love, that the "vaccine" is nothing more than a prophylactic. It does NOT stop the spread. It does not prevent infection. Israel is on their 4th vax booster and their infection rates are through the roof. Horrible. There are thousands of medical professionals telling not to get the vax. You choose not to listen to them. And the CDC has admitted to grossly overcounting covid deaths. I guess you missed that new flash because it doesn't fit your narrative. Learn to think for yourself - please.

These are a few of the things that should not just be a choices to be avoided, they should be banned: Slavery, **bleep**, child **bleep** trafficking, assault weapons, and the distribution of false medical information that does not just impact the people refusing to get vaccinated but also endangers the people around them. 900 thousand deaths is not a hoax!
The case against Spotify and Joe Rogan:

Lemons are ok, unreal!

I signed up for itunes.  I'm in the process of exporting my play lists now.  Anybody now how to do this efficiently.

If false medical information were as egregious as you say, and you should
be trying to censor Fauci, The CDC, The Who, Big Pharma, and the White
House. Because all of them have given false medical information.

Yes, I used soundiiz successfully for free.

Re: Jeff4Music
"These are a few of the things that should not just be a choices to be avoided...."

You do not know what liberty is because you never fought for it. Who appointed you a thought police to tell me how to think? I can think for myself and can sort things out. Your coalition of scientists are all sheep. They have gone to university to be thought to listen to "experts" and not think for themselves. Don't you ever trample on peoples right to free speech and the exchange of ideas. You're living in the wrong country!

Keith220 - you must be about a 1 inch deep in your thinking and ability to reason. You don't get to choose how any company runs their business or what or why they make the decisions they do. Its not your company!! If you don't like it, don't pay for it. Is that hard to understand? Why do so many people feel like their opinion counts so much more that everyone else. You can't bare to listen to Spotify anymore because they pay somebody you don't like. What a snowflake perspective that is. Then don't pay for the service! Good god people. Put your phones down and stop with the self absorption about your own self importance or anyone else's for that matter. If you're so offended, go create your own music subscription service. See how many people will disagree with your choices. I'll bet it will be a lot! But that's OK. We all don't have to believe the same things. That's what makes this the greatest country in the history of the earth. We have the freedom to espouse our own opinions without fear or being thrown in jail. You are free to say whatever you want, and I would defend your right to say that to the grave - even if I completely disagree. But Joe Rogan has that same right. So does Spotify. Go find a another subscription service you like and stop whining about someone offending you. And for the record, I really don't like Spotify either nor do I agree with Joe Rogan. You are so wrong on the misinformation Rogan is "spreading" about COVID. It's time to wake up Dorothy, you're not in Kansas anymore. Use your head and look at the numbers for yourself and don't listen to the talking heads on TV, Twitter, Facebook, or even worse, the government. Those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it. In a few years you will be so happy those of us that can still think for ourselves stood our ground and didn't bow down to the absolute insanity about covid. Mark my words on that!

Libbyc: how much pot have you smoked today? Misinformation? Really? That's what used to be called having a different opinion. But not in this world of social media where any **bleep** with a phone can claim they are right without any proof. Is Joe not free, in what is supposed to be free country, to express his opinion? And if its not your opinion or your facts he should be banned? Using that logic, you should be banned. How moronic your statements are. Misinformation is what totalitarian (you might have to look that up) regimes always label opinions that don't match what the regime says is fact. Take a history lesson some time. Read a book - not twitter. It might open your eyes and if it doesn't then you are hopelessly clueless.

Look What They've Done To My Song, Ma!

@spotify (if you sometimes happen to read what your customers express): too late, you opened the door to an american-centric battlefield with all their trolls. Pathetic. In my browser it says "community.spotify" haha!

@all the big-balled freedom fighterswho will immediately (and automatically?) stress what a dumb sheep I am:
I love you too.😋

Thanks Spotify for not bowing to the cancel minority that seek to silence anyone that challenges them.

Great, vote with your feet but leave the rest of us alone. Don't decide what the rest of us want to listen to. Remember, it's Neil Young that decided to leave, so follow him out the door.

What you cancel culture fascists term “misinformation” is anything that you disagree with or makes you uncomfortable. Well the world is a dangerous place and you won’t have a safe space to run to when the mob decides that your speech is “misinformation”.

A truly free society depends on open discussion if issues. It may be messy and uncomfortable but that’s life.

Leave Spotify if that’s your choice but I’m betting most of the whiners here who say they are leaving won’t go.

Can you navigate a mouse pointer? Just click what you like to listen to leave the rest of us alone!

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