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Let's Have A Genre Listening Party


Let's Have A Genre Listening Party



I just found out the group session feature, and thought it would be cool to do that with people in the community. I have an idea for a similar party, as well, but I'll mention that, later.


What night is good for those that want to join?


Let's start off with one genre, right now, then go to another. Keep in mind that I only want to have genres that I like, but if anyone likes genres outside of what I like, I encourage you to take my idea and start parties for those genres as well. This might be good for artists, if they start their own, like mini concerts. They could join with other artists, inviting people to their concert parties. I don't want this to be an artist promotion party. Maybe, we will invite some artists, to play their songs, occasionally, at some point, but I just want to figure this out, first. Also, try to keep it as clean as possible (definitely no sexual language).

Here's what I like.


Rock (Today's, classic, and earlier)

Metal (Today's and classic)

Country (Any years, No Hip Hop or alternative style)

Some that I'm not as familiar with, like

Celtic and "New Age" (Ex., Enya, Kitaro, Yanni)


Electronic (Techno (Ex.,Robert Miles), Trance...)


I think it would be cool to play it on your TV., if you have one. This will be a chance for us to listen to music that we like, while discovering songs that we don't know that are of the same genres.

I understand that there are also people that are trying to get introduced to new genres.

While I don't want music played from outside genres, maybe people could be invited to for just the listening aspect. We don't want people taking advantage of invitations and putting in random genres, though. I put all these instructions, because sometimes people have misused my posts, and I want people to hear what they expect to.

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98 Replies

Is that another llama in the lobby. Okay now thatโ€™s awesome! ๐Ÿฆ™ 

Are you interested in joining, too, Stompingllama?
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Iโ€™m waiting on getting my Device that has the Spotify app. Sorry about the off topic post, just couldnโ€™t resist. Have fun guys

Oh, yeah. I forgot that you sent a message to me, about that.
So far, with you likely getting a mobile device for Christmas, and with Llama being free after the two upcoming holidays, it looks like we will be shooting for earlier January.
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Who is available, for the AC/DC "Power Up" Listening Party, tomorrow (Sunday)?

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Hi @MadmanOnWheels, I will probably be available to listen to AC/DC's new album via Group Session tomorrow. Cheers!

AdamDamonSpotify Star
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Hey! We're back where we're supposed to be, thanks to TreyAnastasio and Peter (I believe). Thanks, y'all.


Alright. I want to schedule some Listening Parties, now.

First, I want to get some people together to check out the newest AC/DC album.


Who is interested? List your times and days or dates of availability, so we can find some common free time.

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You can count me in. Available anytime. Looking forward to the party ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐Ÿค˜ 

Hi @MadmanOnWheels, I hope you're having a good day! Iโ€™m interested in attending this Listening Party for the newest AC/DC album as well. Iโ€™ll be fairly busy tomorrow, and have a lab meeting next Friday in the afternoon; however, otherwise my schedule is usually flexible. Cheers!

AdamDamonSpotify Star
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I'm still down for a listening party!


I'm generally free all day Saturday/Sunday, and after 5 PM CT on weekdays. This weekend or any other works for me.

Hey, llama


Was that meant as Central Time or Connecticut? I asked Google, and it pulled up The time Zone for Connecticut's tine zone, Eastern Standard Time, which probably not what you meant, but I just wanted to check. It's 9:47, right now, in Texas.

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Central time! We're in the same time zone; I live in Wisconsin.

Hey, I just wanted to see what's going on, with everyone that can see this.  I want to give a little more information, as well. This Listening Party will be for just the newest AC/DC that was released in November of last year. I want people to know exactly what they're joining in for. Some people may have been able to set aside enough time for what they know about. I don't want people to be left out, because I planned it for one thing, then added more, without notice. I do, though, plan to have some bonus tracks as part of the party. They're new releases, also, but I don't want to ruin the surprise. So far it will be three, bonus tracks, unless another one is released, between now and when we have the party.

This, so far, will add about 15 minutes of music, making it almost 5 minutes shy of an hour.


Please let others know about this Listening Party.


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Hey, everyone


I have another update.


I just found out, yesterday, that there is a full album out, now, instead of just singles of what I was going to have as Bonus tracks for the AC/DC "Power Up" album.


I was thinking of having two different Listening Parties for these, at first, but thought we could out them together, but I am fine with doing it, either way, because I want to make sure that everyone that joins is able to stay for the whole thing. I don't want anyone to miss out on anything.


Tell me what y'all would like and are able to stay for.


The AC/DC album is 41 minutes, and the other is 47 minutes. I would plan for a little longer, for each.

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Hi @MadmanOnWheels, my schedule is fairly flexible, so I would probably be free to listen to both albums in one Listening Party, or to listen to them on two separate days. I look forward to attending your Group Session(s); cheers!

AdamDamonSpotify Star
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Same here. Other than 9-5 during the workweek, I'm pretty flexible. Either one long session or multiple shorter sessions work for me.

You know Iโ€™m in!!! I was wondering when this was gonna start. Letโ€™s do this thing! For those about to rock we Salute you.

I'm in. I'm EST. Most nights are good for me after 8:30 EST. 

Hey, Hmishima


Welcome to the Spotify Community. Thanks for getting back to me. Are you good for staying for both albums? You are an hour ahead of me.


To everyone: It looks like, since two people are an hour ahead of me (TreyAnastasio and Hmishima), llama is in the same time zone and is available after 5 (on weekends and maybe after work), and Stompingllama is available anytime it seems like this weekend around 7:45 P.M. (Texas/Central Time) is good, with the possibility of it being during the work week, around that time. I'm not sure, if that fits for TreyAnastasio and everyone else, for sure. Let me know, and we can get this thing started.

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Hi @MadmanOnWheels, I will be free at around 7:45pm Central Time (8:45pm Eastern Daylight Time) this weekend, as well as tomorrow and on Friday of this week. I look forward to attending the Listening Party; cheers!

AdamDamonSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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