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Make Spotify podcasts inclusive for individuals on the neurodiverse spectrum.


Make Spotify podcasts inclusive for individuals on the neurodiverse spectrum.

Ever since discovering my dyslexia and ADHD six years ago, I've found solace in podcasts as they serve as my primary means of learning due to my difficulty with reading. Over the past six years, I've listened to over 2,000 episodes spanning 500 hours across multiple platforms. However, earlier this year I switched to Spotify and found it to be the least inclusive platform, causing me anxiety whenever attempting to listen to a podcast. As a result, I've missed out on my favourite shows and have struggled to catch up on episodes. I had high expectations for Spotify, but I am greatly disappointed.

2 Replies

What? The word, "inclusive" has become a tainted word, because of the connotation attached to it, now. If anything, it's too inclusive. What more, as far as podcasts go, could you possibly want from Spotify? I'm surprised that there are even Republican based podcasts on Spotify.

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Hi there, 

You probably missed my point and just wanted to share you opinion about “inclusion” 

I am complaining about the User experience of the podcast in the app. It’s not friendly from my point of view that’s it there is no hidden agenda in my comment 

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