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Spotify needs to remove Donda   It is a hateful song propogating the notion that Jews are evil and MRC Entertainment just cancelled a completed documentary on him stating as follows in their letter to him

โ€œKanye is a producer and sampler of music. Last week he sampled and remixed a classic tune that has charted for over 3000 years - the lie that Jews are evil and conspire to control the world for their own gain,โ€

โ€œThis song was performed acapella in the time of the Pharaohs, Babylon and Rome, went acoustic with The Spanish Inquisition and Russiaโ€™s Pale of Settlement, and Hitler took the song electric. Kanye has now helped mainstream it in the modern era,โ€ the letter continued.

So Spotify where do you stand. This is not a Joe Rogan moment

6 Replies

Why are you still playing Kanye on your platform? He is undeniably a racist, anti-Semite. Appreciate that Jews make up less than half of a percent of the world's population, but condoning this type of hatred won't end there.

Lol what? Are you crying over a dumb song? Just ignoreit and grow up 

Company refused to communicate with me on the subject of the racist Kanye West.

Absolutely disgusting ๐Ÿคข

IT'S PRETTY SIMPLE. IF SPOTIFY WON'T DROP KANYE WEST, IT'S TIME TO DROP SPOTIFY. There are a lot of other options out there for us to enjoy

then just don't listen to him or learn to separate the artist from the music

Kanye obviously has made remarks that are not appropriate, so action determined to it can be taken by Spotify 

TanyaSRising Star
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