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Search Web API with special characters in artist/track fields

Search Web API with special characters in artist/track fields



I'm experiencing inconsistent and incorrect behavior in the search API when using some characters in the artist or track fields.


For example, using the following query as is:

"The Beatles Don't Let me Down"

The API correctly returns the expected results.


If I change the query to this:

"artist:The Beatles track:Don't Let me Down"

No results are returned.


When omitting the single quote:

"artist:The Beatles track:Dont Let me Down"

The API returns the expected results.


This happens both with the artist and track fields whenever that are some special characters in them. The API is inconsistent, some characters work and other don't, even when the artist name or track title include the exact characters as in the query. In these cases, the free form query (without specifying the fields) usually works.


Do I need to somehow escape any characters? Seems strange that I need to remove special characters (making the query more generic and less accurate) if I want to use the artist/track fields.





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