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Step 1


extract removed / unavailable songs

extract removed / unavailable songs







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My Question or Issue

i want to make an app to easily manage playlists and i would like to extract removed and unavailable songs and be able to make a new playlist and add those songs.


this is my current code but it only makes a new playlist


import base64
import json
import requests
import re
import webbrowser

# Set up the API endpoint, client ID, and client secret
endpoint = ""
client_id = "f"
client_secret = ""
redirect_uri = "http://localhost:8000"

# Set up the OAuth2 authorization parameters
auth_url = ""
scope = "playlist-read-private playlist-modify-private playlist-modify-public"
state = "abc123"

# Encode the client ID and client secret using base64
client_creds = f"{client_id}:{client_secret}"
client_creds_b64 = base64.b64encode(client_creds.encode()).decode()

# Obtain the authorization code
auth_query_params = {
"response_type": "code",
"redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
"scope": scope,
"client_id": client_id

auth_url_query = auth_url + "?" + "&".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in auth_query_params.items()])

# Open the authorization URL in the default web browser

# Wait for the user to enter the authorization code
redirect_url = input("Enter the URL you were redirected to: ").strip()

auth_code = redirect_url.split("?code=")[1].split("&state=")[0]

# Exchange the authorization code for an access token
token_url = ""

token_data = {
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"code": auth_code,
"redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
"client_id": client_id,
"client_secret": client_secret

token_headers = {
"Authorization": f"Basic {client_creds_b64}"

response =, data=token_data, headers=token_headers)

if response.status_code not in range(200, 299):
print(f"Failed to retrieve access token. {response.status_code} - {response.text}")

response_data = response.json()
access_token = response_data["access_token"]
refresh_token = response_data["refresh_token"]
expires_in = response_data["expires_in"]

# Set up headers for API requests
api_headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"

# Create a new playlist or choose an existing playlist
while True:
user_profile_url = endpoint + "me"
user_profile_response = requests.get(user_profile_url, headers=api_headers)

if user_profile_response.status_code != 200:
print(f"Failed to get user profile. {user_profile_response.status_code} - {user_profile_response.text}")

user_profile_data = user_profile_response.json()
user_id = user_profile_data["id"]


# Filter out unavailable and removed songs from a playlist
playlist_url = input("Enter a Spotify playlist link to filter out unavailable and removed songs: ").strip()
playlist_id_match ="playlist/(\w+)", playlist_url)
if not playlist_id_match:
print("Invalid playlist link. Please enter a valid Spotify playlist link.")

playlist_id =

# Get playlist tracks
playlist_tracks_url = endpoint + f"playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks?market=from_token"

playlist_tracks_response = requests.get(playlist_tracks_url, headers=api_headers)

if playlist_tracks_response.status_code != 200:
print(f"Failed to get playlist tracks. {playlist_tracks_response.status_code} - {playlist_tracks_response.text}")

playlist_tracks_data = playlist_tracks_response.json()
playlist_tracks = playlist_tracks_data["items"]

# Create a new playlist with the filtered tracks
new_playlist_name = input("Enter a name for the new playlist: ")
new_playlist_description = input("Enter a description for the new playlist: ")

new_playlist_url = endpoint + f"users/{user_id}/playlists"

new_playlist_payload = {
"name": new_playlist_name,
"description": new_playlist_description,
"public": False

new_playlist_response =

if new_playlist_response.status_code != 201:
print(f"Failed to create new playlist. {new_playlist_response.status_code} - {new_playlist_response.text}")

new_playlist_data = new_playlist_response.json()
new_playlist_id = new_playlist_data["id"]
# Filter out unavailable and removed tracks
filtered_tracks = []
for track in playlist_tracks:
# Check if the track is removed or unavailable
if not track.get("is_playable", True) or track.get("is_local"):

print(f"Skipping track {track['track']['name']}. Reason: unavailable or local.")

# Add filtered tracks to new playlist
add_tracks_url = endpoint + f"playlists/{new_playlist_id}/tracks"
track_uris = [f"spotify:track:{track['track']['id']}" for track in filtered_tracks]
add_tracks_data = {
"uris": track_uris
add_tracks_response =, headers=api_headers, json=add_tracks_data)

if add_tracks_response.status_code != 201:
print(f"Failed to add tracks to new playlist. {add_tracks_response.status_code} - {add_tracks_response.text}")
print(f"Added {len(filtered_tracks)} tracks to new playlist.")

# Set the initial offset and limit
offset = 0
limit = 100

# Loop through all the tracks in the playlist
while True:
# Set the query parameters
params = {
"offset": offset,
"limit": limit,
"fields": "items(track(name, id, uri, is_local, available_markets))"

# Make the request to the API
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)

# Check if the response was successful
if response.status_code != 200:
print(f"Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}")

# Parse the response JSON
data = json.loads(response.text)

# Loop through the tracks in the response
for item in data["items"]:
track = item["track"]
track_name = track["name"]
track_id = track["id"]
track_uri = track["uri"]
is_local = track["is_local"]
available_markets = track["available_markets"]

# Do something with the track information here
print(f"Track Name: {track_name}")
print(f"Track ID: {track_id}")
print(f"Track URI: {track_uri}")
print(f"Is Local: {is_local}")
print(f"Available Markets: {available_markets}")

# Check if there are more tracks to retrieve
if data["next"] is None:

# Update the offset
offset += limit



""" playlist_url = endpoint + f"users/{user_id}/playlists"

playlist_data = {
"name": playlist_name,
"public": False

playlist_response =, json=playlist_data, headers=api_headers)

if playlist_response.status_code != 201:
print(f"Failed to create playlist. {playlist_response.status_code} - {playlist_response.text}")

playlist_data = playlist_response.json()
playlist_id = playlist_data["id"]
print(f"Playlist '{playlist_name}' created with ID '{playlist_id}'")
elif choice == "existing":
# Choose an existing playlist
playlist_id = input("Enter the ID of the existing playlist: ").strip()
playlist_url = endpoint + f"playlists/{playlist_id}"

playlist_response = requests.get(playlist_url, headers=api_headers)

if playlist_response.status_code != 200:
print(f"Failed to get playlist. {playlist_response.status_code} - {playlist_response.text}")

playlist_data = playlist_response.json()
playlist_name = playlist_data["name"]
print(f"Playlist '{playlist_name}' chosen with ID '{playlist_id}'")
print("Invalid choice. Please enter 'new' or 'existing'.")

2 Replies

Ins, Prague the Dog here. I have some suggestions for you. To achieve your goal of extracting removed and unavailable songs from a Spotify playlist and creating a new playlist with those songs, you need to modify the code you provided. Here is the modified code:

import base64
import json
import requests
import re
import webbrowser

# Set up the API endpoint, client ID, and client secret
endpoint = ""
client_id = "<your client ID>"
client_secret = "<your client secret>"
redirect_uri = "http://localhost:8000"

# Set up the OAuth2 authorization parameters
auth_url = ""
scope = "playlist-read-private playlist-modify-private playlist-modify-public"
state = "abc123"

# Encode the client ID and client secret using base64
client_creds = f"{client_id}:{client_secret}"
client_creds_b64 = base64.b64encode(client_creds.encode()).decode()

# Obtain the authorization code
auth_query_params = {
"response_type": "code",
"redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
"scope": scope,
"client_id": client_id

auth_url_query = auth_url + "?" + "&".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in auth_query_params.items()])

# Open the authorization URL in the default web browser

# Wait for the user to enter the authorization code
redirect_url = input("Enter the URL you were redirected to: ").strip()

auth_code = redirect_url.split("?code=")[1].split("&state=")[0]

# Exchange the authorization code for an access token
token_url = ""

token_data = {
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"code": auth_code,
"redirect_uri": redirect_uri,
"client_id": client_id,
"client_secret": client_secret

token_headers = {
"Authorization": f"Basic {client_creds_b64}"

response =, data=token_data, headers=token_headers)

if response.status_code not in range(200, 299):
print(f"Failed to retrieve access token. {response.status_code} - {response.text}")

response_data = response.json()
access_token = response_data["access_token"]
refresh_token = response_data["refresh_token"]
expires_in = response_data["expires_in"]

# Set up headers for API requests
api_headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"

# Create a new playlist or choose an existing playlist
while True:
user_profile_url = endpoint + "me"
user_profile_response = requests.get(user_profile_url, headers=api_headers)

if user_profile_response.status_code != 200:
print(f"Failed to get user profile. {user_profile_response.status_code} - {user_profile_response.text}")

user_profile_data = user_profile_response.json()
user_id = user_profile_data["id"]

# Filter out unavailable and removed songs from a playlist
playlist_url = input("Enter a Spotify playlist link to filter out unavailable and removed songs: ").strip()
playlist_id_match ="playlist/(\w+)", playlist_url)
if not playlist_id_match:
print("Invalid playlist link. Please enter a valid Spotify playlist link.")

playlist_id =

# Get playlist tracks
playlist_tracks_url = endpoint + f"playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks?market=from_token"
playlist_tracks_response = requests.get(playlist_tracks_url, headers=api_headers)
if playlist_tracks_response.status_code !=

PragueSpotify Star
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If you appreciate my answer, maybe give me a Like.
Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Not expecting a solution but maybe directions towards the goal for you.
Highest regards from the Westcoast,


-Prague the Dog

PragueSpotify Star
Help others find this answer and click "Accept as Solution".
If you appreciate my answer, maybe give me a Like.
Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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