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Cobro del mes de prueba

Cobro del mes de prueba

Acabo de iniciar mi mes de prueba gratuito y se me realizo un cobro por $99.00


Cabe mencionar que la cuenta es nueva al igual que el correo, la tarjeta de igual manera es nueva.


No se si solo sea una retencion del dinero o si en realidad se me hizo el cobro.

3 Replies

Hey , welcome to the Spotify Community!


We hope you don't mind us replying in English. If you haven't received a receipt from Spotify to your account's email address, it's very likely that it's just a pending charge. There's more info about this here.


If you need further assistance with this one, feel free to reply to this message or get in touch with our support team to receive help in Spanish.


Have an amazing day 🙂

Hi Julian,


I have already received a receipt from Spotify for $0.00 but in my bank account spotify has charged me $99.00


I don't know why that happened, hope you could answer my question.



Acabo de iniciar mi mes de prueba gratuita y me doy cuenta de $ 99.00


La tarjeta de igual manera es nueva.


No se si solos es una retencion del dinero o en la realidad se hizo el cobro.

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