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Emisión de factura

Emisión de factura

El día de hoy me han enviado un correo en el cual dan aviso de un incremento en el precio de mi suscripción por el concepto de impuestos. 

Ya que van a comenzar a realizar el cobro del mismo, ¿cual será el método para la solicitud de factura? El impuesto que van a cobrar es un impuesto trasladable, por lo que están obligados a emitir factura.


Gracias de antemano.

6 Replies

Hey @pacoguevara, thanks for reaching out to the Community about this!

I hope you don't mind me replying in English. 

You're able to view receipts for any Spotify purchases (such as a monthly Premium subscription) on your Receipts page here. From there, select the receipt you wish to view and you will get a detailed receipt including a section for how much tax was collected, the price, etc.


I hope you will find this useful. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask. I'd be happy to help you!

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Your answer is not correct. He and many others ask for fiscal invoice that is valid before SAT (the tax office in Mexico). How we can get this invoice so the payment we made is deductible in Mexico? If you start to charge 16% IVA you must issue this invoice. Your receipts are not deductible in Mexico. So what we can do?

We need an invoice for our tax filing here in Mexico, a simple receipt won't do. So what I'd like to know is, how can we get one?

Ni tengas esperanza, Spotify me respondió por correo que no van a emitir facturas ni tengan obligación aunque cobran el IVA. Así derechito me lo escribieron. La verdad es que Apple ya da facturas y no conviene el Spotify.

Hey there folks,


Thanks for reaching out about this.


Spotify is intended for personal, non-commercial use only. Our records are adapted to serve as personal information and cannot be used for tax purposes. You can find all available receipts on your account page.


Hope this info was useful. Don't hesitate to reach out again if you have more questions.


Have a great day!

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as a reminder, we have personal accounts but in Mexico we have a tax named IVA, this fee its collected by You, but in order to collect that tax, we need to have a receipt from You as a formal, because that's requested by Mexico taxes gov, those receipts ("facturas") with a specific information like, our Tax Id, plus many others its required to be accepted from Mexico's Office tax, so please let us know how to get those receipts (facturas) in order to present those to our local taxes authorities. 

Screenshot 2022-09-11 172728.png

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