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How to Buy Gift Subscritions?

How to Buy Gift Subscritions?

Hi all ... wow I agree with some (old, broken) posts I've found ... why is giving Spotify my money so hard?


I want to buy a gift subscription for a friend - through this site - not going to a store and buying a plastic gift card. Can't I do it online? He has a free account and I want too pay to upgrade him to a premium account - virtually, without buying a card and handing it to him. Why is this so hard?

3 Replies

Hey @PRISMJill!


I'm happy to help you.


After doing some research, I found out that you seem to be able to buy Spotify Premium eGift cards through Amazon, at least in some countries. Could you please let me know which country you are in, so that I can check if that option is available for you too?


Thank you


I'm in the US, and the only ones I can find are physical gift cards that have to be mailed to me and that I physically have to get to him. That is NOT what I need .... I need to be able to do it all electronically.

Hey again,


It took me a bit but eventually, I seem to have found a way to buy eGift Cards for Spotify Premium for you through PayPal here. Please let me know if that works for you and if you need any further help.




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