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Login error 30

Login error 30

Unable to login on iOS via Spotify app - getting error message - “something went wrong. Try again (code=30).

Uninstalled app and reinstalled with same issue.

Can log in via web without problem.

Any advice?

5 Replies

Hey @Ymshoppes ,


Thanks for coming to the Community.

Can you please make sure you're not using any kind of VPN/Proxy on your iOS device?

Let me know how it goes 🙂

MaximSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Thanks. I checked my settings and for some reason mobile data for Spotify had toggled off on its own. A mystery. All good now. Thank you for your help.

Hey again, @Ymshoppes,


Glad to hear you were able to fix this issue 🙂


Have a great day!

MaximSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Having this same issue on a phone. I don’t have any proxy’s or VPN’s installed. Have tried deleting the app and reinstalling. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

Hey @SmudgeyB,


Thanks for your reply and for the info shared.


Just to confirm, did you try by checking what @Ymshoppes found out in their phone settings? You can give it a try and let us know how it goes.


If the above doesn't do the trick, we'd suggest reinstalling the app on the affected device to check if you notice any difference. You can follow the steps in this article to do it. 


If this behavior persists, would you mind letting us know the exact make/model and OS of the affected device along with the Spotify version you are currently running?

Keep us in the loop!

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