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Monthly charge?

Monthly charge?

I just noticed on my bank account that Spotify USA is charging me $10.59 monthly but both my account and my husbands account says we have Spotify Free?? Please help identify which account is being charged and then reimburse us for this monthly transaction??

5 Replies

Exactly the same with me! I don't know what to do.. 

Hey there @LO52 and @beachstop, welcome both to the community!


That's not good. You can try the following to help get you back to your tunes:

    1. Check your subscription page. Your status should be Premium. 
    2. If it says you're on Premium, try signing out and back into the app. If that doesn't help, try a clean reinstall. You can find out how here
    3. If it says Free, check the receipt Spotify send to your email inbox. Make sure you're signing in with the username on that receipt. If the username on your receipt is a 10 digit number, please sign in with your Facebook login details.



If that doesn't help, please take this survey that can point you out in the right direction.



Let me know how this goes!





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nope, that still didnt work... I definitely have a free account. I had to call my bank to report this as fraud...which was just time-consuming and a bit of a hassle for $20 but i just didn't want the reoccuring fee to hit my account!

Didn't help me either.. I only have one account and it's free. 

Hey again @beachstop and @LO52 🙂


That's odd. If you have gone through all the steps in my previous post, including taking the survey, it's worth a shot to go through this FAQ article to get more tips. If you still can't find the Premium account, I'd recommend getting in touch with a member of the Spotify staff so that they can take a look behind the scenes for you.


You can drop them a line on social media (Twitter or Facebook) or by using the contact form. Make sure, if you use the latter, to reply to the automated email you'll receive directing you back to the help pages, even if it's from a no-reply!

Support usually gets back within a day or two.



Hope this was more helpful 🙂



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