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Sudden adverts

Sudden adverts

Hey everyone!


I have had premium for years now and in the last year joined a premium family plan. This morning I have randomly started getting adverts? I am streaming through my Macbook Pro on the app.


Has this started randomly for anyone else?

1 Reply

Hey @emmagriffin91,


Thanks for posting in the Community and welcome.


Just to confirm, is this happening when you listen to music or when you listen to podcasts? If this is happening when you listen to podcasts, we'd like you to know, podcasts usually include some advertising. This has been the case since the early days of podcasts, and continues to be true today, including on Spotify. Therefore, even as a Premium user, you may receive advertising or sponsored messages when playing a podcast. Note that as a Premium user, you still enjoy an ad-free music listening experience.


If this is happening when listening to music, can you send us a screenshot of this behavior? It'd be helpful if you let us know the exact make/model and OS of your current device along with the Spotify version you have currently running?


Lastly, it might be worth checking if you've logged in into the right account. You can always log out and log in twice onto your Spotify account; this way the system will force a resync of your account.

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