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Family Premium


My Question or Issue

Moin Community,

als Zahlungsmehode benutzte ich die Lastschrift. Diesen Monat konnte ich leider nicht zahlen und mein Premium wurde entfernt. Um meine Rechnung auszugleichen, hat meine Freundin den Betrag von 14.99€ ausgeglichen unter Berücksichtigung des Verwendungszwecks. Erkennt dies Spotify?


LG, Daniel

8 Replies

Hey @Touringo, thanks for reaching out to the Community!

I hope you don't mind me replying back in English.

To confirm - you were unable to renew your Premium subscription, so it got canceled. Then, your girlfriend gave you funds to pay for the Premium subscription?


Is that correct? If it is, can you let me know what the issue is when renewing your subscription?


Keep me posted 🙂 

Billy-JSpotify Star
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thank you for the fast answer. Yes, that is correct. Now my girlfriend has paid the open balance but our accounts are still not back on premium. Do I have to create a new Family Premium Account or will I be able to use the old one without changing anything?


Daniel Eberhardt

Hey @Touringo,


Thanks for confirming!

Are you or your girlfriend the owner of the Premium for Family plan? Could you also let me know your subscription status here?


Keep me posted 🙂

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Hey Billy-J,

I am the owner of our family Account. Right now my Status is spotify free. What should I do next?

Have a nice day!


Hey @Touringo,


Thanks for getting back to me! 

Could you send me a screenshot of your Receipts page? Please make sure to hide sensitive info when posting to the Community.


Could you also ask your girlfriend if her account status is Free or Premium?

Keep me updated 🙂 

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Here is my Receipt and my Girlfriends account status is Free.


Hey @Touringo,


Thanks for that photo. 

In this case, I'd recommend getting in touch with Customer Support. They'll take a look and do their best to help.


Have a great day!

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Thank you my friend!

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