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Certain podcast won't play in my Tesla Spotify app

Certain podcast won't play in my Tesla Spotify app






Tesla Model Y

Operating System



My Question or Issue

I have a 2022 Tesla Model Y. I subscribe to a podcast known as Breaking Points Premium. I can listen to the non-premium podcast but the premium one loads forever and then chooses some other random episode from a random podcast to play instead. Is there a solution for this?

53 Replies

In my Tesla Model 3, I can access to any France Inter's podcast but all title are grayed out, so I am not able to listen it.

Hey @mickaelgnb,

Thanks for reaching out.

We've tested this on our end, but couldn't reproduce the issue. Would it be possible to check if the same thing happens with a different internet connection?


Looking forward to your reply.

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Hi @MihailY,

I have a tesla model Y  and I have exactly the pb described by @mickaelgnb with the lte internet connection of the vehicule. The problem is still there with my home wifi  (fiber connection in France). If you want any further detail, do not hesitate to contact me.

Hey @galettebretonne,


Thank you for your reply in this thread.


We've tested this on our our end and it does work on an open network with no VPN. What we can suggest is that you turn off any VPN services.

This issue could also arise from some networking ports being blocked by one of your firewalls or anti-virus packages, so it'd be a good idea to disable any antivirus or ad-blocking software that might be affecting the Spotify app on your device.


If the issue persists, we'd recommend that you use a different network. In case you don't have another network available, you can use a mobile data hotspot to try it.


Hope this helps. If you need anything else, the Community is here for you.

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Say, I don't have premium, but one of the songs I clicked on told me I have to pay for Premium to be able to listen to it. How come?

Hey @Jcogs89,


Thanks for posting in the Community.


Could you share a link to the podcast you can't play? It may be so, that you have to subscribe to the podcast in order for you to listen to it. Does it have a lock icon next to the episodes? How does it behave on a different device?


Keep us posted,



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I'm subscribed to it and there is normally a lock icon next to it but for me it shows unlocked. I can play it on all other devices to include my PC and phone. I now have to connect via Bluetooth to my car and play it through my phone's Spotify app. The only issue with that his I have fewer control options on the Tesla screen when using Bluetooth and switching podcasts or episodes requires me to look at my phone while driving which is dangerous.

Hi @Jcogs89,


Thanks for the info. Just so we're on the same page, send us some screenshots or a video of the behaviour on your Tesla and on your other devices.


Thanks in advance.

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I have an iPhone and apparently it uses a file type that isn't supported for upload. Here are screenshots. Notice in the car that it says "Loading error", which sticks around for a few seconds before playing a random podcast and random episode from that podcast. The other screenshot is the podcast playing successfully on my phone.


it wouldn't accept .jpeg either (the photo in my car). It requires .jpg which should be the same as .jpeg. Anyway, I screenshot the photo I took so hopefully that works.


Hey @Jcogs89,


Thanks for the screenshots.


We've forwarded this to the relevant team here at Spotify, however, we can't confirm when it will be addressed. In the meantime, please make sure to keep your app up-to-date.



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Okay thanks.

Is there an update to this?  I also listen to this podcast and have the exact issue. Tesla Model 3

trickyu2, I haven't heard anything back since I was told it would be
escalated. Pretty unfortunate. Good to know that it's not just me though.
Hopefully that means there's a software solution out there.

I have the same issue with This American Life podcast. 


I have the same issue with Louis Theroux grounded podcast. I tap play and it plays a random other podcast. Not related. 

I have the exact same issue. I like to listen to BBC podcasts, but I am unable to play any of them in my model 3. No issues if I play them on my phone though. Before the latest update the episodes in the Tesla Spotify app were greyed out. That’s no longer the case, but I’m still unable to play them.

Hi, I got the same issue with a french podcast "affaires sensibles" which plays well on my android app but not on Tesla Spotify app. Since the last firmware release, the episodes are not greyed out anymore, but are still not being listenable. 

Same issue here when attempting to play 606 Radio 5 live podcasts from the BBC.  Just skips to another subscribed podcast instead.  Really poor that they aren't sorting this out.

I'm the OP. Still hasn't been addressed or fixed since their last reply.

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